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Monday, July 11, 2022








The knickers felt divine wrapped around my bum and already very aroused yet again wet pussy , I was going to try and not fart until I left the house see if I could enjoy the agony of my bum hole clinging onto the gas witht all it had ,with the assistance of the super tight knicker material pushing back against the pouting arsehole , I couldn’t believe what started happening next I was so full of gas I could not  keep my bum hole clenched so had to let go of it , I could feel it pucker but the knickers were so tight it pressed hard against the tight cotton and started hissing out a tiny stream of air it was like a valve it could only letting out a tiny stream , I was literally leaking farts from my arse a steady tiny stream of fart gas was leaking without a break into my knickers , it was the same eggy and very warm air  . I walked to the kitchen still leaking gas followed by a stream of eggy air , I gently placed my finger on the panties were my arsehole was pressed against them and could feel a steady stream of hot air coming through the knickers from my arsehole how sexy was that , I made a cup of tea still leaking gas , stood and drunk the tea and the gas was still hissing out its wasn’t a whoosh , just a faintly audible hiss and a constant warm sensation as it filtered out of my knickers , I went to the bathroom to retrieve the shorts ,hissing gas as I walked , I bent over in front of the mirror slightly and I could see the dark round circle of my bum hole pressed against the back of the knickers , I decided I need to relieve the pressure even though the steady hissing in my Knicks was divine, I could turn up to Sandy’s with a hissing bum , I bent a little bit more any further would have caused a painful wedgie and pushed as hard as I could and the huge volume of wind and the pressure from me pushing so hard opened my bum hole and pushed a huge gust of hot air, it blasted through the tight knickers it was coming out so quickly that it wooshed into my gusset and rippled up my pussy as it was finding any way to escape I kept pushing until the hot whooshing subsided . Ohh gosh that was the most powerful fart I had ever done in my entire life.


At least the hissing had gone felt reasonably empty after that , I checked the knickers for stains only moist from pussy juice ,no brown stains although was shocked there wasn’t any stains I must be just full of gas and empty off poo . I thought better start getting ready to go to Sandy’s I thought about another shower but looked at the time , I took the knickers off felt some pressure from more gas , with the panties off I bent over as much as I could and pushed hard , a massive hot woosh of foul air exited my tight little bottom hole , it was extremely warm almost  immediately I was standing in a eggy invisible fart cloud , intoxicating it was knowing it had all come out of my little bum hole , I needed to hurry though standing there enjoying my fart wasn’t getting me ready , I got the baby wipes a few as my pussy was super wet I got a handful of wipes and removed all the white oily pussy juice between my vagina lips , I then rubbed some clean wipes up my arse crack , I had to fart again so couldn’t resist pushing a hot one into the wipes , had a quick sniff of the eggy wipes.

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