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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Restaurant Seat by Okjsa







In the bustling city of New York, there stood a popular fast food chain known as Burger King. It was a busy Saturday evening, with the tantalizing scent of flame-grilled burgers and crispy fries wafting through the air, enticing hungry customers from all corners of the bustling metropolis.
Among the bustling crowd was a young woman named Emily. She had spent the day running errands and exploring the vibrant city, and now she found herself famished and in desperate need of a quick meal. With a grumbling stomach and tired feet, she stepped into the crowded Burger King, hoping to find a seat where she could refuel and rest.
As Emily scanned the restaurant, her eyes fell upon a sea of occupied chairs. Every table seemed to be taken, and the few remaining seats were quickly claimed by the waiting customers. Frustration began to simmer within her, threatening to dampen her spirits. But Emily was determined not to let her hunger get the best of her.
Her eyes darted around the bustling eatery, searching for any sign of an available spot. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, she spotted a lone empty chair at a table occupied by a group of friends. Without thinking twice, Emily made her way toward the coveted seat, her heart pounding with anticipation.
However, as she approached the table, Emily's hopes were dashed. The friends, engrossed in lively conversation, showed no signs of vacating the surrounding chairs anytime soon. Disappointment washed over her.
Emily glanced around the crowded restaurant, noticing the various people engaged in their meals. Just as Emily was about to give up and leave, her eyes fell upon a man, his name is Alex, standing near a table, his tray of food in hand. An idea sparked in her mind, a bold and impulsive idea. She approached the man, hoping he would be open to her unconventional request.
"Excuse me," Emily began, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and determination. "I couldn't help but notice that you're standing. Would you mind if I sit on your back? I can't seem to find an empty chair, and my legs are aching."
Alex looked at Emily, surprised by her audacious proposal. His brows furrowed, and he seemed uncertain about her unconventional request. He glanced around, contemplating the situation and the curious gazes of other patrons nearby.
"Uh, I'm not sure about that," he replied, his voice filled with hesitation. "It's a bit unusual, and I don't know if it would be comfortable or safe. Besides, there might be other options available if you look around."
Emily's heart sank at his response, but her determination did not waver. She took a deep breath and decided to plead her case.
"I completely understand if you find it strange, but I'm really tired, and I can't find a seat anywhere. I promise I'll be careful and won't cause any inconvenience. Please, it would mean a lot to me."
He observed her for a moment, contemplating her words and assessing the situation once again. He recognized her genuine need for rest.
After a brief pause, the Alex sighed and nodded. "Alright, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. But please be careful and make sure you're comfortable. I don't want either of us getting hurt."
Emily's face lit up with gratitude as she thanked him profusely. Alex set down his tray on the nearby table and positioned himself in a way that would provide some stability. Emily took her place and she started eating.
Surprisingly, the makeshift seat turned out to be more comfortable than anticipated. Emily nestled herself into a position that offered her relief from her tired legs.
Once Emily settled into her improvised seat on Alex's back, she eagerly began to devour her Burger King meal. At first, Emily felt a gentle rumbling in her stomach, almost like a warning sign. Ignoring it, she continued to enjoy her meal. But as she took a few more bites, the rumbling grew more persistent, accompanied by uncomfortable bloating and a growing pressure within her belly.
Emily's face flushed with embarrassment as she realized the inevitable outcome. She discreetly tried to suppress the building gas, hoping to save herself from a potentially embarrassing situation.
However, despite her efforts, an unexpected and rather loud burp escaped her lips, causing nearby patrons to turn their heads in surprise. Determined to salvage the situation, she discreetly adjusted her position on Alex's back, hoping it would provide some relief.
As she did so, however, she accidentally lifted a thigh, resulting in a rather audible and unexpected sound.
Emily's face turned beet red as she tried to discreetly lower her thigh, desperately hoping to regain some composure. She turned to Alex who had generously offered her his back as a seat, unsure of how he would react to the situation. She noticed Alex was fall asleep.
Emily has going to finish her meal and gently slid from her makeshift seat. Emily made her way out of the Burger King, her hunger satisfied and her tiredness replaced by a renewed energy. Alex still fall in asleep near the table because Emily didn't wake him up.


After a while a young woman her name is Chloe stepped in the restaurant, she ordered a meal and going to sit down. Her eyes quickly scanned the restaurant for an available seat. The place was packed with hungry customers. Disappointment washed over her as she realized there was no vacant table in sight.
Just as she was about to turn around and look for another place to eat, her tiredness and hunger reached a tipping point. She desperately needed a place to rest and refuel. That's when her gaze fell upon Alex, who was peacefully asleep near a table.
A glimmer of an idea sparked in Chloe's mind. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the unconventional solution that presented itself. With a mix of hesitation and determination, she cautiously approached Alex, hoping he wouldn't be startled awake.
Standing beside the table, Chloe gently tapped Alex's shoulder, trying to rouse him from his slumber. "Excuse me, would you mind if I sit on your back?" However, to her surprise, he remained undisturbed, seemingly lost in deep sleep. This gave Chloe the courage to proceed with her audacious plan.
Chloe carefully positioned herself on Alex's back, using it as an improvised seat. Feeling a combination of self-consciousness and gratitude for finding a place to sit, Chloe looked over at Alex, who was still blissfully unaware of her presence.
Chloe turned her attention to her meal. She began to enjoy her food, trying to immerse herself in the experience. Unbeknownst to Chloe, the meal she had chosen, though delicious, contained ingredients that didn't agree with her digestive system. The combination of flavors and spices seemed to trigger a rather unfortunate side effect - an unwelcome bout of gas.
Suppressing a discreet burp, Chloe shifted slightly on her improvised seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. She hoped that the gas would subside soon, allowing her to enjoy her meal without any further embarrassment.
But the more she ate, the more her discomfort grew. The silent but potent gas built up within her, causing her stomach to protest in protest with audible gurgles.
Despite her efforts to suppress it, a silent whiff escaped, catching her off guard. She froze for a moment, hoping that no one had noticed the unexpected release. Chloe continued eating her meal but another rumble heard from her stomach.
A big nasty fart erupted from her ass but she no longer dealt with it. Without any confusion Chloe continued her meal. Another rumble emanated from Chloe's belly, louder and more insistent this time. Trying to maintain her composure, she discreetly placed a hand over her stomach, hoping to silence the grumbling.
A big, unwelcome fart erupted from her, but she did her best to ignore it. Without any confusion, Chloe carried on with her meal. As Chloe reached the end of her meal, she could feel a sense of relief that her hunger was finally satisfied. She took a deep breath, hoping that the discomfort in her stomach would subside now that she had finished eating. However, her digestive system had other plans.
Chloe's stomach let out a loud growl. Without hesitation Chloe relaxed herself.
A forceful, unmistakable fart erupted, resonating throughout the restaurant. Chloe about to finish her meal and she drinks the rest of the Coke. Chloe stood of from her makeshift seat, Chloe decided it was time to leave.
Meanwhile a big Mexican Latina, named Sofia, had been searching for a seat in the crowded restaurant. She was getting increasingly frustrated as every table seemed to be occupied. As she scanned the room, her eyes fell upon Chloe, who had just stood up from her improvised seat on Alex's back.
Sofia approached Chloe, a friendly smile on her face. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" she asked, pointing to the now-vacant spot where Chloe had been sitting. Chloe, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief, shook her head and replied, "No, it's all yours. Enjoy!" She quickly gathered her belongings and prepared to make her exit, grateful that she had found a seat when she needed it the most.
Sofia thanked Chloe and quickly slammed her ass on Alex's back, grateful for the stroke of luck. Sofia enjoyed her meal in peace, unaware of the unusual events that had taken place just moments before.


As Sofia settled into her seat on Alex's back, she focused on her meal, savoring each bite without any knowledge of the previous events involving Chloe. She enjoyed the flavors and spices of her food, feeling grateful for finally finding a place to sit and eat in the crowded restaurant.
While Sofia was engrossed in her meal, Alex remained blissfully unaware of the change in seating arrangement. He still asleep, seemingly unfazed by the weight on his back.
As Sofia ate, she felt a sense of comfort and relaxation, oblivious to the fact that she was sitting on a person. She was glad to have found a seat and was now able to fully enjoy her dining experience. The incident involving Chloe and the subsequent seating arrangement had not affected Sofia's enjoyment of her meal.
As Sofia continued to enjoy her meal, savoring each bite, she suddenly felt a rumble in her belly. The spicy food she had been relishing had caused some discomfort, and she realized she was feeling quite gassy. Sofia discreetly shifted in her seat, hoping to alleviate the uncomfortable sensation in her stomach.
A small, involuntary fart escaped, producing a soft but audible sound. Sofia didn't pain attention to the gas. She turned her attention to her meal, he discomfort in her stomach persisted, and she realized that holding in any more gas might not be a viable option. Sofia shifted again, to release the gas.
A big nasty fart erupted from her ass, Scott's body was vibrated under her weight. "This felt so good," she sighed in relief, the release of built-up pressure easing the discomfort in her belly. Sofia savored the momentary relief, grateful for the small respite from the gassy sensation that had been bothering her. She continued to enjoy her meal, no longer preoccupied by the discomfort, and fully immersed in the flavors and aromas that surrounded her.
Another rumble emanated from Sofia's belly, signaling the need for another release of gas. Without hesitation, she let it out.
A loud boiling fart escaped, causing a few nearby diners to glance in her direction momentarily. Sofia remained unfazed, continuing to enjoy her meal as if nothing had happened. She had accepted her body's natural functions and found a sense of liberation in being unbothered by such bodily noises.
As Sofia savored her meal, another fart escaped, this one louder than the last. She simply chuckled to herself, unfazed by the attention it garnered, and carried on enjoying her delicious food.
While Sofia continued eating but she has unusual feelings in her belly, she needed to go. Sofia stood up from Alex's back, and hurriedly made her way to the restroom. She didn't want to take any chances with her urgent need to relieve herself.
In the restroom, Sofia quickly found a vacant stall and took care of her needs. She felt a great sense of relief as the discomfort in her belly subsided. After freshening up, she washed her hands thoroughly and returned to the dining area.
Sofia settled back onto Alex's back, she felt a renewed sense of comfort and relaxation. Her urgent need had been taken care of, and she was ready to continue enjoying her meal. She wiggled her butt slightly to find a comfortable position, and then focused her attention back on the flavors and aromas that surrounded her.
As Sofia seated back onto Alex's back and resumed enjoying her meal, the food she had been savoring was making her very gassy. Despite the discomfort, she ignore it and continue relishing the flavors.
A big wet fart erupted from Sofia's ass, but she didn't pay much attention to the whiff.
While Sofia let out a loud fart, the sound and smell caught Alex's attention, causing him to abruptly wake up from his slumber. Confused and slightly startled, he looked around, trying to understand what had just happened.
Alex woke up from his slumber, he immediately noticed the weight on his back and realized that a massive Mexican Latina was sitting there. He was surprised by the sudden change in seating arrangement and the fact that Sofia had been sitting on him without his knowledge. Alex felt a mix of confusion and discomfort.
Alex attempted to move under Sofia's weight, he realized that he was unable to do so. Sofia's heaviness prevented him from adjusting his position or finding a more comfortable stance. Alex began to feel increasingly uncomfortable and restricted.
Feeling trapped and unsure of how to handle the situation, Alex tried to subtly shift and indicate his discomfort to Sofia. He gently squirmed and adjusted his body, hoping that Sofia would notice and understand that her sitting on his back was causing him discomfort.
However, Sofia seemed oblivious to Alex's attempts to communicate non-verbally. She remained engrossed in her meal, seemingly unaware of Alex's discomfort and the impact of her weight on his back. The lack of response from Sofia only added to Alex's frustration and growing concern.
Realizing that his subtle attempts were not getting through to Sofia, Alex decided to speak up. In a polite but firm tone, he addressed Sofia, "I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but I'm finding it difficult to bear your weight on my back. Would you mind finding another place to sit?"
Despite Alex's polite request, Sofia seemed to dismiss his concerns and continued to ignore his discomfort. She didn't acknowledge his words or show any sign of intending to find another place to sit.
Instead, she let out a dismissive laugh and released another audible fart, further exacerbating Alex's discomfort.
Feeling frustrated and unheard, Alex was unsure of how to proceed. He didn't want to escalate the situation or cause a scene, but he also didn't want to continue enduring the discomfort of Sofia's weight on his back. Alex decided to take a more assertive approach and firmly addressed Sofia again, this time with a hint of urgency in his voice.
"I understand that you're enjoying your meal, but your weight on my back is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I kindly request that you find an alternative seating arrangement. It's important for both of our comfort."
Alex hoped that his direct and assertive tone would convey the seriousness of his request and prompt Sofia to reconsider her actions. He waited anxiously for her response, hoping for a more considerate and understanding reaction this time.
Sofia continued to enjoy her meal, a sudden and loud fart erupted from her. The sound and smell filled the air, adding to the already uncomfortable situation for Alex. He felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration as he realized that Sofia was completely disregarding his discomfort and the impact of her actions.
With a trembling voice, Alex begged Sofia, his tone filled with a mix of frustration, desperation, and a tinge of vulnerability. "Sofia, please, I beg you, consider the discomfort you're causing me. It's becoming unbearable, and I can't continue like this. Can you please find another place to sit? I need relief, and I don't know how much longer I can endure this."
As Alex poured his heart into his plea, he hoped that Sofia would finally grasp the gravity of the situation and show some empathy. He waited anxiously for her response, desperately hoping that she would reconsider and acknowledge his plea.
Despite Alex's plea, Sofia remained dismissive of his discomfort and continued to prioritize her own enjoyment of the meal.
She paid no attention to his request and even released another loud fart, lifting her thigh in the process.
Despite Alex's clear dissatisfaction with the situation, Sofia remained oblivious to his concerns. She continued to sit on his back without paying him any attention. Another rumble emanated from her belly, signaling her body's need for release.
Without hesitation or regard for those around her, Sofia relaxed herself and let out another loud fart. The sound and smell filled the air once again, drawing attention from nearby diners. However, Sofia appeared unfazed by the reactions or the impact her actions had on those around her.
Sophia remained oblivious to Alex's plea, continuing to prioritize her own enjoyment of the meal. She let out another nonchalant laugh, completely dismissing Alex's discomfort.


Alex's frustration reached its peak. He couldn't believe that Sophia was so inconsiderate and seemingly uncaring about his well-being. Determined to find a resolution, Alex decided to take matters into his own hands.
Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Alex decided to take more decisive action. With determination in his voice, he firmly addressed Sofia once again, making it clear that he would no longer tolerate the situation.
"I've been patient until now, but your actions are causing me significant discomfort and embarrassment. It's important that you respect my boundaries and find another place to sit immediately. I cannot continue to bear your weight and the impact it's having on me."
Finally acknowledging Alex's presence, Sophia turned to him with a hint of annoyance in her eyes. "Can't you see I'm enjoying my meal? Why are you making such a fuss about it? Just relax and let me eat."
Alex took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "I understand that you're enjoying your meal, but my well-being is being compromised. It's not fair for me to suffer while you ignore my discomfort. Please, find another seat so that both of us can be comfortable."
Sophia rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by Alex's persistence. She seemed unwilling to acknowledge the impact of her actions on him. "You're being overly dramatic. It's just a little discomfort. Can't you handle it?"
Alex felt a mix of frustration and disappointment at Sofia's response. He had hoped for understanding and empathy, but it seemed she was determined to dismiss his concerns. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Alex spoke firmly yet calmly, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation.
"It may seem like a little discomfort to you, but it's affecting me in a significant way. I am unable to move or find any relief while you sit on my back. It's not about handling it or..."
Sofia sighed, visibly annoyed by Alex's persistence. She seemed unwilling to budge from her position, firmly believing that her own enjoyment took precedence over Alex's discomfort. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she replied in a condescending tone.
"You're making a big deal out of nothing. I'm not going to move just because you're being sensitive. If my weight bothers you so much, maybe you should have thought about that before allowing me to sit on your back in the first place."
Alex corrected Sofia, his frustration evident in his voice. "No, you sat on my back without my consent or knowledge. I didn't have a choice in the matter. But now that I'm aware of the situation and it's causing me discomfort, I'm asking you to find another seat."
Sofia scoffed, displaying a lack of understanding or empathy for Alex's predicament. "Well, it's too late now. I'm not moving just because you suddenly decided it bothers you. You should have wake up earlier if it was such a big deal to you."
Then a loud rumble come from Sofia's belly, she lifted her tight.
Sophia released a fart on Alex's back without confusion.
Alex's frustration reached a boiling point as Sofia's actions crossed another line of disrespect. The unpleasant odor filled the air, adding insult to injury. Determined to stand up for himself, Alex's voice hardened with resolve.
"This is absolutely unacceptable. Not only have you ignored my discomfort and dismissed my concerns, but now you're deliberately subjecting me to this unpleasantness. I will not tolerate this any longer. I demand that you find another seat immediately."
Sofia burst into laughter, finding the situation amusing rather than remorseful. She seemed to revel in Alex's discomfort and defiance. "Oh, lighten up. It's just a little gas. What's the big deal?"
Alex's frustration and helplessness escalated as Sofia continued to disregard his pleas and subject him to further discomfort. The lack of respect and empathy shown by Sofia only fueled his determination to find a solution. With a calm yet assertive tone, he addressed Sofia again. "I've tried to reason with you, but your actions and attitude have been completely disrespectful. I will not tolerate being treated this way any longer. If you refuse to move, I will have to involve someone else to help resolve this situation." Sofia, still giggling, shrugged off Alex's threat. "Go ahead, involve whoever you want. No one will care about your little inconvenience."
Sofia was right, nobody seemed to care about Alex's inconvenience. He decided to endure and wait for Sofia to finish her meal. The food seemed to make Sofia very gassy, and she needed to release it.
Without hesitation, Sofia released another whiff on Alex's back.
Sofia's laughter echoed through the air, filling the space with amusement. Despite the uncomfortable situation, she found the entire ordeal comical, completely disregarding Alex's frustration. Her amusement only intensified as she struggled to control her laughter. Unable to comprehend Sofia's lack of empathy and respect, Alex's patience wore thin. The unpleasant odor lingered, adding insult to injury. Determined to find a resolution, he mustered his resolve and confronted Sofia once more. "This is absolutely intolerable. Your laughter and disregard for my discomfort show a complete lack of respect. I refuse to endure this any longer. I insist that you find another seat immediately." Sofia struggled to catch her breath, her laughter subsiding slightly. However, she remained defiant, dismissing Alex's concerns with a wave of her hand. "Come on! Lighten up! It's just a fart. Can't you take a joke?"
"Your actions have consistently shown a complete disregard for my well-being and comfort. It is clear that you have no intention of understanding or empathizing with my predicament. I can't take it any longer, you are to heavy."
Sofia smirk slightly on Alex's determination. She still attempted to brush off the situation with a nonchalant attitude. "You're making a big deal out of nothing. It's just a bodily function. Get over it."
"I understand that bodily functions are a natural occurrence, but it is disgusting I find unacceptable."
Sophia didn't take Alex's words seriously. You're overreacting. It's not that big of a deal. Just let it go."
"It is not about the bodily function itself, but..."
Sofia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, maintaining her nonchalant attitude. "You're blowing this way out of proportion. It's just a fart. Everyone does it."
Alex shook his head, unable to comprehend Sofia's lack of empathy. "It's not about the fart itself."
Sofia laughed a bit she still refused to take responsibility. "You're being overly sensitive. It's not like I did it on purpose. Or did I?" Sophia smirked and continued eating she wiggled her ass a bit and released a whiff on Alex's back.
Alex's body was shaking under Sofia's weight. She just laugh on Alex's situation.
"I refuse to be treated like this any longer. I am going to call for assistance and involve someone else to help resolve this issue."
"Go ahead, call whoever you want. No one is going to take your side in this petty inconvenience. You're making a big fuss out of nothing. Oh wait, you can't move under my weight" Sofia laughed, mocking him.
Alex sadly sighed, knowing that Sofia was right. He couldn't physically move under her weight, leaving him with limited options to address the situation.
Sofia released another big fart on Alex's back. Alex took a deep breath. "This is not funny. I deserve to be treated with dignity."
Sophia's laughter returned, louder than before. "Dignity? Oh, please! It's just a fart! You're blowing this out of proportion."
"I understand that you find this amusing, but it's important to treat others with respect and consideration. Using someone as a seat and disregarding their feelings is not acceptable behavior."
Sofia's laughter slowly subsided as she realized that Alex was standing his ground. She paused for a moment, considering his words. However, instead of acknowledging his concerns, she chose to dismiss them once again. "Oh, come on. Lighten up! It's just a harmless prank. Can't you take a joke?"
Alex mustered his courage, his voice unwavering. "There's a difference between a harmless joke and intentional humiliation. I deserve to be treated as an equal, not as an object for your amusement."
Sofia's face contorted with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Equal? Please. You're beneath me. I can do whatever I want, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"I understand that you may see yourself as superior in some way, but that doesn't justify treating me with..."
"You're still not getting it, are you?" Sofia scoffed. "You're just a seat to me, and your protests only make this more entertaining. Maybe you need a stronger reminder of your place."
With that, Sofia leaned back, pressing her full weight onto Alex, causing him to gasp for breath. The pain and humiliation grew unbearable. Alex's determination was gone. Sofia laughed, completely unfazed by Alex's discomfort, and continued enjoying her meal.
Feeling defeated and helpless, Alex realized that his attempts to seek assistance would likely be in vain. Sofia's dismissive attitude and her continued laughter indicated that she had no intention of taking his concerns seriously. With a heavy heart, Alex decided to endure the situation until Sofia finished her meal and moved away. It was a frustrating and uncomfortable experience for him, but he saw no other immediate solution.
As Alex's consciousness faded, he succumbed to the overwhelming pain and lack of oxygen. The weight pressing down on him became unbearable, and his body could no longer endure the strain. The last thing he heard was Sofia's laughter echoing in his ears before everything went dark.
Meanwhile, the bustling sounds of the surrounding environment continued, oblivious to Alex's distress. People chatted and clinked their cutlery as they enjoyed their meals, unaware of the power dynamics at play in this particular corner of the restaurant.
As Sofia finished her meal, she leisurely got up from her makeshift seat, completely indifferent to the state of Alex beneath her. With a final mocking glance in his direction, she sauntered out of the restaurant, leaving Alex behind, still trapped and passed out.


After Alex passed out due to the discomfort and lack of air caused by Sofia's weight and the released gas, a tall Asian girl named Mei entered the crowded restaurant in search of a seat. She scanned the room, but to her dismay, all the seats were taken. With limited options available, she noticed Alex lying unconscious on the ground.
Mei approached Alex cautiously, concerned about his well-being. She quickly assessed the situation, realizing that he had likely fainted due to the uncomfortable circumstances. Seeing no other alternative, she made a decision to sit on his back temporarily.
Gently lowering herself onto Alex's back, Mei tried to distribute her weight as evenly as possible, aiming to minimize any discomfort for him. She was aware that sitting on someone without their consent was unconventional and potentially inappropriate, but she genuinely believed it was the only place where she can be seated.
As Mei settled onto Alex's back, she couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy and concern for him. She silently hoped that he would regain consciousness soon and that she could explain the situation and offer her apologies for the unusual seating arrangement.
Mei began eating her meal, trying her best to focus on her food despite the unconventional seating arrangement. She couldn't help but feel a mix of self-consciousness and concern for Alex's well-being. She ate quietly, occasionally glancing around to see if anyone was giving them strange looks.
As Mei ate, she kept an eye on Alex, hoping he would wake up soon. She knew that sitting on his back without his consent was an unusual and potentially uncomfortable situation for him. However, given the lack of available seats in the crowded restaurant, she believed it was the only option she had at the moment.
Mei suddenly felt a gurgle in her stomach. The food she had consumed was causing her to feel gassy. Mei's initial concern was not to exacerbate the already uncomfortable situation for Alex, so she tried her best to suppress any potential gas. She quietly shifted her position slightly, hoping to relieve any discomfort without causing further disturbance.
Mei's attempt to suppress the gas was not entirely successful. A soft but audible sound escaped, catching the attention of nearby patrons. Mei's face flushed with embarrassment as she realized she had inadvertently caused further disruption in an already awkward situation. She glanced around anxiously, hoping that Alex would remain unconscious to spare him from any additional embarrassment.
Mei's stomach was hurting, and she needed to release the gas for her own comfort. Feeling trapped in an unfortunate predicament, she lifted her thigh slightly to alleviate the pressure.
But then Mei accidentally let out a loud fart on Alex's back. The sound reverberated through the restaurant, silencing the chatter momentarily.
Mei continued her meal when Alex slowly regained consciousness, he felt a strange weight on his back and heard the commotion in the restaurant. Confused and disoriented, he gradually realized the situation he was in. Alex's face turned red, partly from the discomfort caused by Mei sitting on his back and partly from the embarrassment of the loud fart that had just occurred.
Alex slightly disoriented, looked at the person sitting on his back and asked, "Um, excuse me, but who are you?"
Mei turned her head and smiled at Alex. "Oh, hey! Sorry about that. I'm Mei, and I just found this spot and thought it would be convenient. The food here is amazing!"
Alex, still trying to process the situation, replied, "Nice to meet you, Mei. But isn't it a bit unusual to be sitting on someone's back while they're eating? Maybe we should find you a proper seat?"
Mei shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, I'm good here. It's comfortable, and I'm really enjoying my meal. Finding an empty seat was a challenge, so I improvised. Thanks for letting me use your back as a seat!"
"Well, I'm glad you're comfortable, but I have to admit, this is a rather unconventional arrangement," Alex said, trying to maintain a polite tone. "I'm not sure how long I can continue to be your impromptu seat. Perhaps we can find a solution that works for both of us?"
Mei, feeling the weight of the situation, looked around the crowded restaurant, hoping for an available seat to magically appear. Unfortunately, no seats were vacant, and the situation remained unchanged.
Torn between the lack of options and her empathy for Alex's discomfort, Mei sighed heavily. "I'm truly sorry, Alex. I don't want to cause you any more distress, but there don't seem to be any other seats available. I'll try my best to minimize the discomfort, but I don't know what else to do."
Understanding the limited options, Alex sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Alright, Mei. I appreciate your concern, but please be mindful of my comfort as much as you can."
Mei, adjusted her position on Alex's back, attempting to alleviate some of the discomfort. She shifted her weight carefully, aiming to distribute it as evenly as possible.
Mei, aware of the attention they were attracting, felt self-conscious but also determined to make the best of the circumstances. She focused on her meal, trying to ignore the sideways glances and muffled conversations around them.
Meanwhile, Alex tried his best to maintain his composure, feeling a mix of discomfort and embarrassment. He hoped that the ordeal would end soon and that they could both move on from this unusual situation.
As Mei ate her meal, she realized that her earlier attempts to suppress her gas had been unsuccessful. Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, she decided to discreetly address the issue, albeit with limited options available.
Mei leaned closer to Alex's ear and spoke in a hushed voice, her words filled with embarrassment. "Alex, I'm really sorry, but I need to release some gas. I'll try to make it as quiet as possible, but I can't hold it in any longer. Please forgive me."
Before Alex could respond, Mei let out a soft but audible fart, causing a momentary pause in the restaurant's atmosphere.
Alex, feeling a mix of discomfort and disbelief, muttered under his breath, "This can't be happening." He tried to maintain his composure, realizing that Mei was in an uncomfortable position as well.
Mei, feeling utterly mortified, apologized profusely, "I'm so sorry, Alex. I didn't mean for that to happen. I really can't control it anymore. I hope you understand."
As Mei ate, she kept glancing around, hoping that a seat would become available or that someone would leave, offering them a chance to find separate seats. Unfortunately, the restaurant remained packed, and no viable solution presented itself.
The situation remained unchanged, and Mei and Alex were stuck in their unconventional arrangement. Despite their discomfort, Mei and Alex tried their best to make the best of the situation. Mei continued to eat her meal, occasionally glancing around with a mixture of self-consciousness and hope. Alex, on the other hand, grappled with his discomfort and embarrassment, silently wishing for an end to this unusual ordeal.
As time passed, Mei's attempts to suppress her gas became increasingly futile. Feeling a rising urgency and discomfort, Mei leaned closer to Alex and apologized, explaining that she needed to release some gas. Alex, though taken aback, understood the situation and silently braced himself for what was about to happen.
Alex, attempting to diffuse the tension. "It's alright, Mei. Accidents happen. Let's try to move past it and find a solution as soon as possible."
Mei nodded, grateful for Alex's understanding. With renewed determination, she glanced around the restaurant once more, desperately hoping for an available seat. Unfortunately, their predicament remained unchanged, and they were still left with no viable alternatives.
Mei continued eating. "Alex, I'm really sorry, but I need to release more gas. I can't hold it in any longer," Mei whispered, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I understand if you're uncomfortable, but I hope you can bear with me."
Alex sighed. "Just do what you need to do, but please try to make it as discreet as possible."
Mei took a deep breath, trying to minimize the impact of the upcoming gas release. She discreetly positioned herself to alleviate some of the pressure, hoping that the gas would pass quietly and without causing further disruption.
Mei released another fart, it managed to escape with minimal sound, causing a sense of relief for both her and Alex. Mei sighed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that the gas had been released without causing too much disturbance.
As the moments passed, Mei and Alex both hoped for a resolution to their uncomfortable predicament. Mei silently ate her meal, occasionally exchanging awkward glances but trying to maintain a sense of composure. The restaurant buzzed with conversation, but the lingering attention on Mei and Alex made them increasingly self-conscious.
Eventually, Mei finished her meal. With her plate empty, Mei felt a glimmer of hope that their situation might soon come to an end.
Mei slid down from Alex's back, she turned to face him with a mix of gratitude and apology in her eyes. "Thank you for letting me use your back as a seat, Alex. I'm sorry for the discomfort and embarrassment this has caused both of us. I truly appreciate your understanding."
Alex, feeling a sense of relief as the weight was lifted from his back, nodded and replied, "No problem, Mei. I understand it was a difficult situation. I'm just glad you were able to find some comfort and that we can finally move on from this."
With a smile, they walked out of the restaurant, ready to continue their respective journeys.


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