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Friday, August 5, 2011

Glad to be Back

Posted by Lucy Peters on July 31, 1999 at 18:00
Glad to be back
Hello everybody
Well, interesting though it was in the mighty United States of America, I have to admit that I missed boyfriend Hugh and, of course, participating in this board and sharing my little fantasies and experiences with you all.
America was hot and loud and often just a little bit frightening (especially Chicago) although most of the time I was staying with family friends who have a very nice house more-or-less on the lakeshore some way north of the city. It was situated in a nice, quiet and very respectable suburb and most of the people roundabout were friendly and polite and apparently very rich; and they all went to church on Sunday morning.
I was fascinated by the way of life, which takes a lot for granted and slightly offends my European ‘green’ sensibilities; they consume so *much* of everything, and I never could get used to going to restaurants and sending (having to send!) half the meal back uneaten. No wonder American contributors to this board often describe very large BM’s - anyone who can eat the average-sized American meal must have plenty of raw material to work with! I also couldn’t get used to kids several years younger than me driving round in £50,000 Mercedes convertibles and the like. Money doesn’t seem to mean much there - everybody seems to have so much of it!
As I mentioned in my brief note the other night, I was amazed to find that ordinary chain chemist’s shops stocked a wide range of ‘incontinence aids’; most Walgreens (American equivalent of Boots, for fellow Brits!) have an entire bay of shelves given over to disposable nappies (sorry, diapers), special absorbent or protective plastic pants and things like mattress protectors and ‘discreet’ underwear. These start in children’s sizes and go right up to ‘teens’ and I think adult as well. I don’t know anywhere in England that sells nappies and plastic pants for teenagers - worse luck!
I would have loved to have bought a whole heap of this stuff back with me, but I didn’t dare - what if the customs were to search my luggage when I got back to Heathrow? But then I found some ‘teen girl protective panties’ that were just like ordinary briefs but made out of special absorbent cotton, with a thick pad in the gusset. They didn’t really look much different to an ordinary pair of clean-living English girl’s knickers - so I risked a pack of those. I also risked a pair of the ‘discreet protective briefs’ (patterned cotton panties with a waterproof vinyl lining) as they weren’t obvious either. But I completely fell in love with some adorable soft plastic panties which were much nicer (and far more discreet) than the ones I daringly bought through the mail a few weeks ago. I just had to have a pair of those, and then I had the bright idea of just getting the one pair and actually wearing them on the flight home! So I did, and it was really quite exciting to sit on the aeroplane in my smart summer dress with nobody knowing I was wearing a pair of smooth soft plastic pants over my ordinary cotton panties. I kept thinking of Connie (who posts on this board sometimes) who wears plastic pants over her knickers and goes poo in them. I was going to try *that* when I got home!
Obviously, staying in somebody else’s house, I didn’t have much chance to play many little-girl messy-pants games, although lots of the time I wanted to. But I did manage one little episode, when my hosts (very apologetically!) left me alone for a day while they attended the funeral of an Aunt who lived up near Milwaukee somewhere. So when I knew this, I didn’t do my big-girl big jobs in the ‘restroom’ (What a silly term! Why can’t they call a toilet a toilet?) the night before, and I made sure to eat as much as I could of the gargantuan supper. Which meant that by lunchtime the next day, I was getting pretty uncomfortable. So I put on a pair of my ordinary cotton pants under my yellow sun-dress with the pink flowers and went into the bathroom (which was huge! as big as the sitting-room in my flat) and just wandered about a bit, feeling the urge to have a BM get stronger and stronger.
There was a stage-style dressing table in there, with lights all round it and a nice firm-topped stool, and I sat on that looking at my reflection in the mirror and feeling everything wanting to come out. Then, after a little while, I just stood up and leaned forward a bit, and pushed. The poo just slid out of my little btm so easily and pushed the back of my panties out. I kept pushing, and another big lot of poo-poo squeezed out - I could feel my knickers sort of sagging with the weight of it. Then I gave one last push - and did a third lump of jobbie that was just as big! I think it was one of the biggest BM’s I ever made in my pants - not particularly soft, but it did feel nice. Having big warm sticky lumps in your knickers is such a friendly, comforting sort of feeling, I always think.
I just stood there for a bit, then I pulled my dress up and turned a bit so I could see the damage. The bulge that showed in the back of my pants was amazing - it was such a big poo-poo it had sort of half pulled my knickers down my btm. I looked at it for quite a while, then - making sure to keep my dress out of the way - I pulled my knickers right back up then sat slowly back down on the stool. It was such a big BM, and quite a it firmer than usual, so that it didn’t squish out - I found myself sitting on top of a sort of slightly-yielding heap of warm stickiness that felt like modelling clay, and I had to wiggle a lot and even bounce up and down a little bit to make it flatten out. When I looked in the big mirror on the other wall of the bathroom, I found that I had a nice brown smile showing at the legs of my pants both sides, but that there was hardly any stain on the back.
I was able to enjoy my mucky knickers for quite a while, and I kept getting up, walking about a bit and to feel all those nice warm sticky lumps moving about in my pants, then sitting down again to try and squash them a bit more. Heaven! Then, after a bit, I needed to pee, so I went and stood in the shower and just let go. My pee ran in hot streams all down my legs, and some of it ran under me and made the poo-poo in my pants nice and warm again - and a bit softer. Soon, it was starting to turn the back of my panties brown, and softer poo was starting to squidge out at the backs of my legs when I sat down. I thought I’d better stop then, so very reluctantly I took my panties down. The brown lumps were squashed right across the inside of the seat of my poor little pink-and-white panties and right out at the kegs, but it was still quite firm so it was easy to tip the poor dear things into the toilet. Then I could wash the panties (which weren’t really *that* dirty) and me in the shower (which was a super-turbo whirlpool power shower that could clean anything off anybody; I wish I had one like it at home!). Then it was clean knickers and back on with the dress, slip my damp panties into my room and out to lounge by the pool until everyone came home a couple of hours later.
Well, that was the extent of my fun and games in the USA, but now I’m home I’ll be making up for lost time - and trying out my new ‘incontinence aids’. I’ll let you know how I get on!

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