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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mom's Assistant by MicroSnacko






“I cannot believe this, you skipped class AGAIN?! WHY?! What was more important than school!?”

Mary scolded her tiny son for skipping class, Sam was white in the face as his mother had warned him about the amount of trouble he would get in if he skipped again “I… I… I didn’t! I was in class she probably just couldn’t see me!” Sam said trying to lie to his mother but Mary could see right through him. She glared as she realized he wasn’t even going to admit what he had done. “Fine… if you aren’t going to take this serious I’m going to have to punish you!” Mary said with a smirk. Sam began to freak out “punish me?! Like go to my room? Am I grounded?! I’m 21!!” Sam complained as Mary listened to her son but shook her head “no no no, I can’t keep an eye on you in there. No I’m going to keep you nice and close… somewhere where you can think about your choices” Mary said to her son in a threatening tone. Sam looked incredibly confused with his mother “w-what do you mean?!” Sam stuttered to ask

Mary smirked “oh I’ve been planning this all day, you have been nothing but a brat lately and now you are skipping college classes that I’m paying for, if you don’t want to make something of yourself then I’ll make something of you” Mary said with a fair bit of anger in her voice. Sam was petrified as his mother seemed rather angry “m-mom I’m sorry” he said backing away from her as she began to lean forward towards him. Mary quickly scooped Sam off the table and lifted him up to her face “you are going to be pulling overtime with me today, you will earn every cent you’ve wasted of mine~” she said as she began to walk towards her office “you are going to make me work?! I’m a tiny how do you want me to work?!” Sam said seeing a major flaw in her plan, but Mary let out a satisfied giggle “well my assistant is away on stress leave so you will be taking her place until she gets back” Sam could see the smirk on his mother’s face “but you work through school hours, I’d miss classes!” He began to beg but as his mother entered her home office she let out a sigh “no you won’t, you have no more classes to miss. I canceled your education, I’m not wasting any more money on this” Mary said disappointed that she had to do this, but Sam looked surprised “no more school?” He asked not sounding that upset about it.

Mary nodded “yep no more school, no more free time, and no more anything. You see this position is very demanding… but I guess you’ll see why soon” Mary said pulling her chair out and she smirked. That was when Sam could see the imprint of a tiny in the seat cushion of her desk chair “you should fit the position perfectly~ now make sure to not drown in my sweat and uhm… shallow breathes I had Mexican with the girls today” she said with a slightly embarrassed face. Sam couldn’t believe what he was hearing “t-that’s a joke right?!” Sam screamed fearing the answer but Mary just smirked and remained quiet as she began to lower him “RIGHT?!” Sam screamed as she pressed him into the imprint. He watched his mother come around the front of the chair. Her huge ass filled the sky, Mary then lifted her skirt up showing off her deep red panties. “Now deep breathe hunny” Mary sat as she began to sit down into the seat.

Sam let out a squelching noise as his mother sat down on him with her heavy ass, her panties were damp with sweat and he could hear a growling from deep inside his mother ass. It it had a soft wet noise with it aswell. Sam was forced to exhale as his mother’s massive ass came to rest on him, his body was squeezed to the max and he could feel his bones aching horrible like they were on the brink of collapse. “Hmmm…” Mary let out curiously as she began to grind her ass into the seat a little, the friction of the panties against Sam’s skin caused him to scream. He was only 15 seconds into his overtime shift and he was begging to leave. “There we go… nice and comfy. Huh you honestly fit so much better down there than Kate does” Mary moaned a little as she began to log into her account for work. Sam writhed around under the intense pressure of his mother’s already moist ass.

Mary felt her heart hurt a little hearing his muffled screams but she remained steadfast in her choice of punishment, and she couldn’t deny that he fit better inbetween her cheeks than any past assistant she’d had. Mary could feel her ass already getting sweaty and she blushed “it’s warm out today, it must not be too pleasant down there for you” Sam was already boiling hot at this rate as his mother’s generous ass produced an insane amount of heat, both her and Sam were sweating. Sam found the harsh environment only getting worse. The sweat irritated his skin an caused him to writhe around beneath his mother more aggressively. “God you squirm better than the last one did, we will see how long that lasts though. The last one could only handle a few toots before passing out, I cannot wait to try you out~” she said and as if it was scripted her bowels gurgled at her tiny son. Sam’s struggling stopped as the loud intense gurgling silenced his pathetic muffled screams. Mary knew how harsh Mexican food was on her gut but she wanted to make sure that Sam learned his lesson

As Mary typed away Sam felt her lean to the side and a rather small toot escaped her bottom. Mary giggled as she sat back down trapping Sam in with the smell. The smell invaded his nostrils and made his nose hairs curl as he could smell rotting dairy and rotten eggs. His stomach began to twist as it made his torture that much more worse. Mary giggled “heh that was just a warning shot~ the real storm is coming” Mary said wiggling her ass unconsciously and burying Sam deeper between her cheeks. Mary could feel Sam’s screams between her cheeks and it made a slight moan escape her mouth. “Oh that’s it, scream for me” the giantess said before squeezing out an explosive fart directly into his open mouth, the gas inflated his lungs and burnt them with the intense fumes. He began to be able to taste the gas, it’s rotten stench and flavour made his stomach twist but he couldn’t vomit as the pressure around his body kept it from leaving his esophagus.

Mary sniffed and could smell the scent of shit “Ugh you need to do better, I shouldn’t be able to smell these… do…your…job!” She scolded sam. Sam felt light headed at this rate as the air beneath his mother’s ass was now 90% her gas. Mary began to get annoyed, but she could feel his body squirming wildly so she lifted her ass off Sam by leaning to the side. The fresh air washed over his sore body, he inhaled dramatically as he was greedy for fresh air. Mary than sat back down on her son and wiggled him back into place “congrats on your first air break! You get 2 a shift~ try not to use them early now. You still have a few hours and only one more break” Mary smirked seeing they’d only been working for 20 mins. Mary then without hesitation blasted her son again. Sam screamed as his fresh air was tainted so soon, the fresh oxygen was replaced with the foul stench that’s been brewing his Mary’s bowels. His little screams vibrated her cheeks which made Mary blush as it felt nice. Though Mary just responded through more gas. Sam hadn’t anytime to adjust before the next gassing. Mary felt her asscheeks clapping from the force of the gust. Mary groaned a little as her stomach was begging to feel bloated and she could feel a large amount of gas trapped causing a cramp “ughhhh! I knew I went too far with the burritos” Sam’s lungs were getting damaged from the excess of gas. His struggles got stronger and more violent but this only worked against him as the ass began to heat up more and it began to sweat even more profusely. Sam couldn’t keep up with the mounting sweat as it looked around him on the fake leather seat. Sam could feel it entering his nose and burning his eyes because he refused to drink it. It wasn’t long before he could hear the gurgling getting more & more intense. Sam feared that Mary had more gas trapped inside of her.

Mary happily typed away as she was creating a spread sheet for an early meeting the next day but then her stomach gurgled and twisted “it hurts so much” she groaned but then she had an idea. Sam felt his mother lean back on top of him and her weight focused on him and sweat began to pool around his face. The tiny began to panic as he was beginning to drown in his mother’s ass sweat all while before forced to listen to the gas welling up inside you. The tiny was in tears from the torture of this experience. Mary massaged her stomach trying to loosen the trapped bubble of gas. Mary could feel the cramping dissipate and there was intense pressure pushing from inside her bowels as it wanted out now. Sam heard the gurgling clam down and your body went still for a second. Sam swallowed his pride and opened his mouth as he didn’t want to drown in sweat, the salty butter fluid entered his mouth and he promptly swallowed it down. As Sam went to inhale Mary pushed As hard as she could to expel the titanic bubble of gas. Sam was hit with the forceful thick air that inflated his lungs like balloons, the fart kept going and said lungs filled to the limit. The pungent fumes overinflated his lungs and Sam felt two explosions in his chest before he blacked out. Mary had no clue that she turned her son into a fart ballon and she hadn’t though for a second that her gas had caused his lungs to erupt.

Mary felt sams struggling come to an end and she smiled “that feels so much better” she said as she focused on the spreadsheet “sorry that’s probably the worst fart I’ve ever released~ but… I don’t hear any complaints” she said wiggling her butt on top of her lifeless son. Mary would spend the next three hours working ontop of her assistant. Mary saved the document after a long days work and she leaned back in the chair with a content smile “well congrats on your first overtime shift~” Mary said as she let out one final toot before standing up but when she looked into the seat she let out a loud disappointed groan seeing Sam’s body underneath a puddle of sweat. “WHAT?You couldn’t even do this job!? Even my worst assistants last a few shifts…” Mary leaned forward to pick him up, as she did she felt his lifeless limp body in her hands, Mary let out a sigh “I guess I went a little hard on him” she said as she’d wondered if the massive fart was what did him in. Mary frowned a little inspecting his body and she shrugged “if it wasn’t me it would’ve been someone else, he should’ve pinched me or something” Mary said before dropping Sam in the trash, and walking away… Mary did feel regret for what she had out her son through in his last moments but knew this was a possible outcome of her punishment and accepted it.


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