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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Afterlife Punishment by Okjsa




 his story has been written with the assistance of articficial intellegence.


In the ethereal realm, Kevin found himself face-to-face with a guardian angel named Margaret, who seemed ready to shed light on his current situation.
"Calm down, Kevin. I'll walk you through everything," Margaret assured him.
"You've departed from the earthly realm, and your body and soul are now separated. As your guardian angel, it's my duty to guide you through the afterlife. However, it seems you've accumulated quite a few sins in your lifetime. Before you can enter heaven, you must atone for these transgressions," Margaret explained.
She continued, "For each sin, I'll assign a penance. Your actions during these penances will determine your grade, and ultimately, whether you'll gain entry to heaven or face a different fate."
Margaret then picked a random sin from Kevin's past. "Let's start with something seemingly minor. Cheating on a class assignment when you were 16. While it's a common occurrence, we can't overlook it."
With a mischievous grin, she declared, "Your penance is to become a pillow for my celestial throne. I've got mountains of paperwork, and a comfortable seat is a must. This punishment serves us both. You get to atone, and I get a comfy spot."
Acknowledging the apparent discrepancy in size, Margaret chuckled, "Sure, I'm much larger than you, but you'll adapt after the first year. You're designated to be my throne's cushion for a century. Sounds like a long time, right? She laughed. Don't fret, we have all eternity to ensure fairness. I must avoid making hasty judgments."
Kevin stared at Margaret, a mix of disbelief and reluctance painted across his face. The idea of spending a century as a cushion for an angel's throne wasn't exactly what he had in mind for the afterlife. Still, the ethereal realm seemed to operate on its own set of rules, and Margaret appeared adamant about the assigned penance.
"But Margaret, being a pillow for your throne for one hundred years? Isn't that a bit... extreme?" Kevin hesitated, attempting to negotiate his way out of the unusual punishment.
Margaret raised an ethereal eyebrow, her eyes filled with celestial wisdom. "Kevin, the severity of the penance is proportional to the gravity of the sin. This is a lesson. You must learn to bear the weight of your actions, quite literally in this case."
Despite Kevin's reluctance, he found himself undergoing a transformation. The ethereal realm worked in mysterious ways, and before he knew it, he was reduced to the size of a small, plush pillow. As Margaret gently placed him on her throne.
As Kevin adjusted to his new form, he realized that the ethereal transformation didn't diminish his consciousness or awareness. He could still hear Margaret's voice and observe the surroundings, but he was now a pillow.
Then a shadow cast over him, signaling Margaret's impending descent. The ethereal glow surrounding her intensified, emphasizing her angelic presence as she gracefully positioned herself above him. With her back to him, she slowly lowered herself onto the throne.
As Margaret settled onto her throne, Kevin felt an unexpected surge of discomfort. The transformation didn't exempt him from physical sensations, and the pressure from Margaret's form pressed down on him with a force he hadn't anticipated. Though he was now a plush pillow, the pain was very much real, and he could sense the weight of her presence bearing down upon him.
Kevin's initial shock and disbelief gave way to a mix of discomfort and resignation as Margaret settled onto her throne, using him as a cushion.
The pressure intensified, and Kevin began to feel as though his soft form was being molded by the angel's presence. As Margaret shifted her weight to adjust to a more comfortable position, he found himself sinking further into the depths of her ass.
The discomfort intensified as Margaret began to shift her weight from side to side. Her ass jiggled ever so slightly, and Kevin felt the soft flesh of her thighs brushing against him.
The pressure and the weight of Margaret's body on top of him was overwhelming. Kevin was starting to have trouble breathing, and the soft flesh of her ass cheeks was beginning to engulf him. He could feel the warmth of her body through his plush exterior, and the sensation was terrifying.
Margaret sighed and leaned back, causing the full force of her weight to bear down on Kevin. The soft flesh of her ass was now pressing directly against him, and he could feel the heat of her body radiating through him.
Kevin felt his body being crushed under the weight of the angel's ass. The pressure was unbearable, and his consciousness began to fade. As the darkness engulfed him, the last thing he heard was the sound of Margaret's stomach's grumbled, echoing through the ethereal realm.


Margaret's stomach rumbled loudly, indicating a hunger. It was time for her lunch.
With a gentle tug of her robe, Margaret undressed, exposing the full scope of her ethereal physique to Kevin, who was too small to observe her curves, as the plush pillow got absorbed in her ass.
The pressure of the angel's ass intensified as she began to slowly raise herself, causing the soft flesh of her rear to squeeze Kevin on all sides. As he sunk further into the depths of Margaret's form, he felt her warm skin brushing against him and her soft flesh enveloping his body.
Margaret descended upon her throne again, causing Kevin to plunge deep into the depths of her form. The full weight of her angelic presence now bore down on him, and the soft flesh of her butt cushioned his plush exterior. Kevin could feel Margaret's warmth coursing through his form and sense the soft flesh of her ass cheeks contracting with each subtle shift of her weight.
The pressure increased, and Kevin could feel his soft exterior being molded by Margaret's presence. As her body shifted, he could feel her soft flesh brushing against him, and the heat from her form was beginning to overwhelm him.
Margaret leaned back, and the full force of her weight bore down on him. Kevin felt his body being crushed under Margaret's ass. He could feel Margaret's warmth enveloping him and sense the soft flesh of her bare cheeks contracting against his plush exterior.
Kevin's body began to tingle, and his consciousness faded into the soft folds of Margaret's form. The last thing Kevin heard was the sound of Margaret's hunger manifesting as a satisfied groan and rumble escaping from her stomach, followed by a loud and terrifying GAAAAAAARGHL from Margaret's gut. Kevin realized his fate as he found himself sinking deeper into Margaret's ass, as the angel sat upon a cushion on top of him.
Kevin screamed but the angel couldn't hear as he disappeared into the depths of Margaret's bowels. Kevin felt the warmth of her ethereal core surrounding him as he plunged deep into her guts. Margaret's bowels contracted rhythmically, causing Kevin's plush exterior to be compressed by the soft flesh that enveloped him on all sides.
Kevin felt the heat intensifying as he sunk deeper into the depths of Margaret's intestines, and his consciousness began to fade to a cozy darkness as her soft flesh pressed against him with a warmth that overwhelmed him.
Inside Margaret's bowels Kevin started turning back in his human form.
Inside, Margaret's colon was like an hourglass and everything went through a certain process. From her anus, where Kevin was inside, Margaret's shit passed through the upper parts, the transverse colon and the descending colon, eventually sliding along the cecum where its passage to her ass took place. There was only a small gate keeping things from going back there, while at the same time making everything else get out. However, she would need an extra push, as her colon had clogged, forcing a lot of shit to accumulate around Kevin and give him trouble.
Meanwhile Margaret was eating her lunch. Her belly ached with hunger, but Kevin couldn't say that. Kevin struggled for air, hoping he wouldn't choke before he could finally pass into her appendix and his true escape. Margaret was glad to feel a soft pressure against her asshole, filling her bowels, while she chugged down her meals as her lunch break would soon end.
Down below, Kevin was struggling to breathe as the warmth and stink from Margaret's ass grew more intense. He could barely move and the pressure of her sphincter on his neck and waist made him feel weak, though luckily he did not get crushed by her bowels or shitting. With some relief, he felt an opening nearby. Soon, he would be able to escape from her colon.
However, as he moved a hand towards it, he felt something hot and moist against his palm. Margaret's rectum was contracting, trying to keep Kevin from escaping. He was trapped, and with a single burst Margaret could release her bowels over Kevin.
On the other hand, the angel was more interested in eating her lunch. After putting her hands on her belly, Kevin was sure to give a painful sensation, as if he could still hear her gasp as she kept munching. And meanwhile Kevin's vision grew dim, Margaret could feel an unexpected jolt of pleasure, as she was overflowing her gut.
A familiar ache began to pulse through Kevin's abdomen. A part of his human form remembered this feeling, having experienced it several times, but Kevin had never seen anything like this coming and his mind was rushing with uncertainty. Kevin felt himself being drawn outwards. The pressure on his hips relaxed as he was thrust headfirst towards Margaret's anus. The pink pucker pulsed gently, revealing a hint of his silhouette to his desperate gaze. Kevin reached out as the walls of her intestine tightened around him. Margaret's anus gaped. A small pile of poop dropped and smeared his cheek as he popped free.
Finally, he saw some light, after so much time inside that horribly cramped space, where it was impossible for him to even struggle. When his nose met the freezing air again, he found that the first thing he took a whiff of was the smelly odor of fresh and sticky feces. To Kevin, the only thing he knew was a sensation of deep terror and repulsion. His face had become one big lump of fecal material, and soon it began to slough off his skin with a slimy, sucking noise. He attempted to wipe off the sticky poop with his hands. With his head stuck inside Margaret's asshole, it was not easy to shake it off. It also stuck on his hair and parts of his body.
At first he feared to end up a filthy mess. Margaret didn't notice it at all. In a few seconds he was shaking it off. And then she rushed to the toilet with him still sticking halfway out of her poophole. He was free at last! His journey had finally come to an end, as Margaret was in good health. Yet he felt a stinging pain between his buttcheeks. Kevin was horrified when he looked at his hands covered in fecal matter and muck. As the rest of him began to ease itself out of her anus and into the cold water below.
By now he was flailing, submerged in a river of murky shit as it flowed from Margaret. Kevin looked up and saw something massive descending towards his face. As Margaret started her crap, she let out a big poophole fart and blew right into his face and nose, blinding him to anything outside. Margaret gave a satisfied sigh. Kevin felt another wet spray on his left, the other half of her brown turd squirting out her back hole.
While he floated out of her brown poohole and splashed around the dirty waters, his nose and mouth filled with a wretched smell, and he could not help himself from inhaling a big lungful. Kevin found the putrid scent far more foul than the smell of poop that came up his nostrils, and his eyes started tearing up. It was as if an explosion of fish, onions and a strange sort of sewerage smell.
After that a yellow stream of urine began flowing from Margaret, as a stream of warm pee that turned to steam. Her bladder felt light now, and Margaret was relieved. When the pooper was over, the plumber, and the pipes seemed clear, the angel flushed the toilet and washed her hands before leaving, satisfied with the service.
Before Kevin could recover from the previous episode, the door shut behind Margaret, leaving him alone with his thoughts. All alone to contemplate his circumstances and what this situation would do for the future. Still half blind and soaked in her poo and pee, he got out the drain and took a deep breath to see his surroundings, in hopes to find any clues to his whereabouts. The white tiles and the walls indicated to him that he had found a public bathroom. There were toilets all over the room, while the floor had large blue tiles, all clean and tidy.
The door opened, and Kevin froze, unsure of what to do.


Two angel women came inside, laughing and chatting. They stopped when they noticed Kevin.
"Hey! Look, a human!"
"Wow! And he is all wet! What is he doing here? Did you get lost?"
Kevin did not know what to answer. He was not lost, and yet he was. But these two angels could help him, surely.
"Yes. I'm sorry. I just..."
"Oh, you don't need to explain. We know how hard it can be to navigate through Heaven's facilities."
One of the angels knelt next to him.
"Are you okay? You seem a bit confused."
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Okay. I'm happy to hear that."
"What's your name, by the way? You didn't tell us."
"I'm Kevin. Who are you two?"
"I'm Elisabeth and she is Anna."
"Nice to meet you, Elisabeth and Anna."
"Likewise. And what are you doing in the bathroom?"
Kevin thought for a moment. He could not tell them about the pooping angel and his mission. That was something nobody needed to know.
"I... don't know. I guess I got lost. Like you said. But it's not my fault. Someone told me this was the exit and..."
"You shouldn't listen to what other people tell you, you know. You must clean yourself."
"Oh, yes. Of course."
Then Elisabeth picked up Kevin and put him into the sink. She turned the tap and a stream of warm water washed him. The water was so pleasant, and Kevin felt so good and calm.
"There you go. You're all clean now."
Elisabeth dried him and carried him in her arms.
"Thank you, Elisabeth."
"You're welcome, little guy. Come with us. We will take you to the reception so you can find your way out."
Anna picked up Kevin and placed him inside her bra, where his face rubbed against the soft texture of her breasts. Both angel ladies started giggling.
"Look how comfortable you are, little guy! You must really like this place."
Anna squeezed her tits playfully. Her tits were soft and warm. He felt all of Anna's boobs massaging his face.
After a couple of seconds Anna let go, and he emerged, with his face buried on her cleavage and surrounded by the pleasant warmth of her breast meat.

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