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Sunday, June 30, 2024






My terrible experience with the fibre supplement Metamucil never again, I am a 35-year-old woman with a problem with severe constipation sometimes 3 days without pooping, then I would completely fill the toilet with poo when I could finally go. This time it had been 7 days, and I just could not go my stomach was bloated and I felt tired and irritable my lower body was full of poop.

I got recommended by the local Pharmacy to take Metamucil fibre supplement, they didn’t warn me , but they didn’t know I had not been for a week so cant really blame it all on them . I took the supplement the morning of the 8th day without going and on the packet, it said takes 24 hours to take effect. I work in an office with one other woman and 6 men, I put on my usual clothing blouse and thigh length black skirt and some sheer white knickers, usually wear black knickers but it was the only pair that was dry. They where a little to tight for work but other than wearing a damp black pair had no choice. It was Friday so tomorrow would spend the day at home and hopefully the fibre supplement would kick in and I would finally be able to empty my bowels. 10 am was at my desk with a black coffee, half way through the coffee felt a real urge to fart or poop wasn’t sure which, the little white knickers where wedge up my but and sometimes this made it difficult to tell if it was gas or I needed a number 2 . So went to the toilet to find out , luckily as only me and another girl in the office the girls toilet of the hallway was usually empty , as I walked down the hallway thank god I was alone as my bum was leaking fart gas into my knickers all the way down the hallway I could now feel that it was definitely poop that was on its way . I got into the cubicle as fast as I could and pulled up my skirt with one movement and hoked my thumbs under the knicker elastic and pulled them down to my ankles , I sat on the toilet but a warm turd was already coming out of my bum , it was fat but softish as it stretched my bum hole as it exited it hit the water with a splash and another one was quicky coming out . Felt nice to get some relief as one plopped out it was quickly replace by another one just a fat , 6 turds later and a lot of hissing gas as they slid out smoothly it came to an end , the toilet pan was half full of medium brown fully formed turd , it took a bit of flushing as I wiped my arse I check the inside of my knickers to make sure there was no stains but they had survived unscathed and I pulled them up over my bum and smoothed the shirt down . Was a little annoyed I had not had some black one that fit me better as just walking to wash my hands at the sink had made them ride up my arse. I felt a little pressure in my bum hole whilst washing my had and risked a push, luckily it was just a long warm fart that saturated my knicker material. Got back to my desk feeling a little better but did not feel like I was finished but had pushed as hard as I could and other than some fart’s nothing else would come out. I was on the phone to a client around 10:45 when I felt the need to go again, I was in mid conversation when I felt like I really had to go I was trying to wind down the conversation when I could feel the tip of a turd just poking out of my arse. I realised if had been my normal black lace knicker the turd might have exited my bum right into them, but the tiny little white ones where wedge so tight up my arse they were holding the eager turd from coming out. I told the person on the phone can I call you back as I need the loo, the person said fine and a replaced the receiver and wondered if I could stand up without pooing my knickers, but luckily the turd was being held at the gate by my tiny knickers. I walked as un awkwardly as I could feeling blessed, I had put on the tight paid of white sheer panties that day, the wedgie was letting my hold the poo at bay. I got to the toilet then started letting hot gas out around the head of the turd.

Now the awkward bit how to get my skirt up and knickers’ of without shitting myself I took a deep breath and sucked in my bloated stomach as in one motion pulled the knickers down and bent over the toilet as a thick warm turd exited my tight arsehole and hit the water. The relief of being over the toilet and not messing my knickers in the office was amazing, that had been close. As the first turd left my arse it was replaced by another fat one, the turds where bigger than I usually pushed out it must be the fibre and they were firm but soft at the same time, my tight arse hold was pushing them out with ease. Another 5 big fat turds when my bum hole closed shut and was finished. This time I stood up and bent right forward with my arse over the pan and pushed but nothing more would come out; this I would find out was the problem with being that constipated for so many days and taking a fibre supplement. I look in my knickers and the head of the turd had left a little brown circle I took the knickers off and was about to put them in the bin when I realised these little knickers had save my bacon in the office. I took a wet wipe out of my bag I gently wiped the poo stain until it came of the inside of the knickers and pulled them back up over my bum, I really pulled them up my crack tight so my arsehole would struggle to open even I needed to go like before. I felt a fart and pushed but the knickers were too tight to release it no matter who hard I pushed, these knickers were my life saver today. I went back to the office I still felt full but perhaps that was just bloating, when I got to the office the manager announced that he and his secretary the only other girl in the office were taking all the salesman to a sale meeting in the next town and could I man the phones for the rest of the day. This was a big relief in one way had the office to myself so if I shit myself no one would see. But on the negative side I was the only one to answer the phone. They all left and said good by when the phone rung, I picked it up it was one of our best clients wanting to put and order through usually this took around 15 minutes , as soon as they started telling me the order I think it was the anxiety as pressure was building against my little bum hole , I started taking  the order but the pressure was awful , eventually even the tight wedged material couldn’t hold the pressure and I felt a hot fart between my cheeks literally leak into the material it was super warm and didn’t seem to want to stop the area under my skirt was also warm then a hot eggy smell reached my nostrils , it smelled of egg and the poo that I had done 2 times earlier . When the fart stopped it felt like I could continue taking the order as the pressure was down but only for around 3 minutes. Then the pressure was back again with a vengeance, I put my hand over the speaker an pushed the heave pressure and me pushing released another super-hot fart through the knickers I was literally taking the guys order down whilst farting in my knickers. The office stunk of poop and egg if anyone walked in I would die of embarrassment . This continued for another 8 minutes whilst I took the order that seemed never ending and to be honest my pussy was getting wet farting in the wedged knickers whilst talking on the phone .

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