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Friday, September 13, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish part 4





I said how are you holding them to fart, she said that when she held her poop so that she could fart more, her bowels would usually fill up with poop with gas in between and but she said she had so much poo up her arse she needed to push sone out in between farting this time. I said that it was heaven never expected poo, knickers and farts. She asked me about the advert, it mentioned trying on different outfits and tight panties , she said she was feeling extra horny now , she lifted her leg and pushed out a hot airy fart then said could she try stinking up some of the clothes that I had . I asked her what size she was , she told me she was a size 8 and that she wanted to try on size 6 knickers if I had them as nothing was more sexy than farting in tight knickers . Ok I said then she took the knickers she came off , but them up her arse crack and done a hot fart all over them then said this is a gift for you , I took them off her and looked inside , the gusset was thick with pussy cream and there was a big brown skid mark up the arse of them I sniffed them and they smelt of dirty knickers , pussy , the recent fart and poop .

 I went to get the clothes whilst Ciarra sat on the closed lid and used the hard surface to stop herself farting and pooping until I got back, I came. I came back with 6 pairs of size 6 knickers a mini skirt, tight yoga shorts and some small stretch jean shorts. Ciarra was squirming on the toilet let hot popping farts out on the hard surface, she said that she needed to poo some more as I won’t get anything over my bum without filling them with poop. She got up and quickly lifted the lid and a turd fired out with a woosh of hot fart gas, another one came out quickly after then she sighed and said she think she can hold it now. I asked if she had finished pooping , she said ohh gosh no I am still full to the brim with shit , she said watch ill prove it she pushed slowly and another long thin turd came out of her tight arse hole , she said I can just keep pushing them out but want to make it last for you , she said the pressure for now has eased what do you want me to stink up for you . She said look at my pussy its dripping with cream I am very aroused she announced. I gave her some flesh-coloured high cut size 6 knickers to put on I was dripping pre cum also, she pulled the knickers up her thighs , these knickers would be tight on a size 6 girl so she had some trouble getting them over the swell of her bum and released a fair bit of gas with the effort the bathroom reeked of poo . She finally got them over her round bum, they fit like a glove and her pussy juice had made the gusset sopping wet. She pushed another fart out through the tight knicker material and sighed that it felt sexy farting in too tight knickers.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish part 3





She then poked her bum over the toilet and said she was ready, I put my hand over her bum, it was extremely firm and warm, and the knickers felt really hot over her skin. I grabbed the edge that covered were her bum hole would be and pulled it to the side. then she groaned and pushed down slightly , then a small turd escaped her arse and brushed my finger as it dropped into the pan , it was hot and soft as it brushed my finger , oop she said sorry did that go on your finger I said it ok I liked it , then she moaned again and another one slid out this one missed my finger as it plopped into the toilet .

She said OK let my knickers go again, are you finished I said ohh God no she said that was the tip of the iceberg, but I can just fart a little bit again until I need to push more out. She said put you hand on my knickers over my bum hole ill fart into you hand a few times, heads up my pussy is very wet so you might feel some soapy moisture in my knicks. Is this turning you on as well I said, God yes, it is hot farting and pooping for you really arouses me. I put my hand on her bum and had to stop myself Cumming in my pants the knickers were tight and red hot against her bum , she pushed a little hot airy fart through them onto my palm , it was super warm and immediately got the smell of poo and panties reach my nose she just kept pushing little farts out onto my hand , then she said oops pull them aside again please . I grabbed the edge and pulled them to the side, immediately a small turd slowly exited her tight arsehole it was gas propelled as it fell out with hissing gas another one quickly followed and another 4 in total when she announced I could let go of her knickers again. I said are you done now, she said stop asking that there is going to be 100 more of them at least and giggled. She said put your nose in my arse crack and sniff these farts. She stood up and bent forward so I had a sublime view of a tight pair off knickers across a tight arse. I put my nose in the crack, and she let hot farts out through the tight material 10 one after the other each one eggy and I could smell the knickers also they smelled filthy. She oops more poo and literally yanked her knicker down to her ankles hovered over the toilet told me to look underneath. I got on my knees as she hovered over the toilet with her pussy facing me. I looked underneath, she really had a neat pussy it looked tight. I could see her tight arsehole at the back of her pussy, and it opened to the tip of a hot turd, Ciarra gently pushed and moaned with pleasure as she squeezed it out of her arsehole , does that feel good I said as the turd hit the water and joined the other 4 turds in the water . She said it feels relieving she had 6 days of shit up her arse , I though you said 5 , she said it was six full days ago the last time I had a poo , she gently pushed again an immediately another sexy poo exited her arse from behind her tight pussy .She said is 4 at a time ok , then I can make this last around 2 hours with farts in between .