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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish part 2





She got to the end of the hallway and pushed out another hot fart this was long and airy and smelled like hot poo, she was enjoying every minute of the experience, and she was getting paid. When the fart ended, she said she was going to need the toilet as she really needed a poo she apologised but said she couldn’t fart again as she was worried she might fill her knickers with poo, she said will I still get paid the same as agreed I said I would give her another £500 on top if I could watch her poo in the toilet . She giggled and said ok then buts it going to be really disgusting as I haven’t pooped in 5 days. I asked why it had been so long when an audible pop of foul air escaped her yoga pants. She said let me get to the toilet and she would explain but she was on the edge. The main bathroom was upstairs I said go up the stairs and I would follow , I made sure my face was close to her lovely arse as she climbed the stairs slowly as it was obvious now she really need to go , her arse was perfect in the tight beige yoga pants and I was hard with lust as she climbed the stairs and occasional little squirt of gas escaped the materiel and it smelled of dirty knickers and poo . I said to her them little farts you are doing are sexy. Ciara said with a strained voice that they were just leaking out due to the amount of poo up her arse and it was only the tight knickers and yoga pants stopping her from completely shitting herself. We got to the bathroom and she was shuffling from one foot to another popping out little farts , She said she needed help getting her yoga pants off so that her knickers would stay tight on her bum to help keep the shit from coming out . I was in £1500 heaven this was a fantasy coming true, I thought I was just getting tight clothing and farts but was about to get to see poo coming out of this hot girls arse . She put her fingers under the tight waistband of the yoga pants and held her knickers and the told me to gently pull them down over her bum to around her knees. I did this and could not believe how tight the knickers underneath wrapped her bum and pussy, they were like a light cream lacy tanga knicker, they were like a second skin on her bum and lady parts she said that the pressure to poo had eased off, did I want to sniff some farts through her knickers. I said ohh God yes I put my nose near her knickered covered bum crack she squeezed out little airy farts through them, I could really smell the knickers up close to my face as well as the hot poo smelling farts.

I asked her why her hot knickers smelled so dirty , she said she had worn them for 5 days when she had decided to hold her poo , she then explained that when she had poo in her arse she could not stop farting and she knew she was coming today so had left the same knickers on and not pooped for 5 days and still eaten a lot of food . she said the first day alone she had farted 50 plus times in these knickers, by the end of the day they material was hot against her arse. As more poo built up inside her the more, she had farted, she had counted 800 farts into these knickers before getting to me.

She told me that once she had pooped the farts would virtually disappear, but she told me she could probably make her pooping last for around 2 hours as she was very full and there would be a lot of farts in between. She told me that 5 days’ worth would completely fill my toilet to the brim I might need to flush the toilet a few times otherwise it would clog it. I told her it would be extremely erotic for her tight little arse to fill my toilet with poo to the brim. She kept puffing out little hot poo knicker smelling farts for another 10 minutes I could not get enough of them , she announced she would need to poop a little bit now as she could feel more pressure , She told me if I wanted to prolong the experience and make It  sexier , when she had to poo she would poke her bum over the toilet pan and I could pull the tight knickers aside so she could poo with them on .

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Perfect Toilet by Dick





You wake up in pitch black, still in a deep daze. As you start to regain consciousness, you realize that you can’t move your neck. You’re just stuck, with your head tilted at a 160 degree angle, with tubes up your nose.

You try to move your arms.
No luck.
You can’t figure out why, but your arms and legs feel so tight together, that you can’t move them. It feels like your trapped in some kind of air tight bag, with your head and neck trapped in some sort of container. For some reason, your throat hurts too. Not just your ordinary sore throat.. this one feels like it extends through to your stomach!

As you try to thrash around, you feel an enormous pain in your rear end!
“Where the fuck am I?!” You think to yourself, panicking. The worst thoughts come to mind. We’re you kidnapped by some perv? No time to find out. You need to figure out a way out of here before whoever put you in here comes back.

As much as you try to move, you can’t move an inch. The pain in your ass, tightness of your confines and the fit around your neck render you completely immobile. All you can do is listen to the sound of water flowing while you try to remember how you got here.

Hours pass, when all of a sudden you hear what sounds like a door opening. Footsteps clatter against the floor, allowing you to figure out that your head must be about a foot or so above the floor.


You hear a little, distant noise. The footsteps get louder, and louder, and louder as your heart nearly beats out of your chest. Sweat begins to drip down your forehead, towards your ears due to the angle. Just then, your dark and cold chamber is bombarded with light.

“Heey ShitMouth!”

Your eyes slowly adjust to the flood of light. You see from your point of view that your prison is circular, with an easily liftable lid. Towards the outside, you can vaguely see what looks like the top of a mirror. Directly above your face, you see a shelf sticking out of a wall with some flower pots on top of it. And In the center of this opening, you saw a face that made you swell with rage.

“I hope your hungry! Cuz boooy did we pig out yesterday waiting for you to finish up! I’ve been waiting for this for a loooong time! “ says your most hated rival, your coworker Jackie, as she turns around. Jackie loved to bully and pick on you, taking every chance to destroy your self worth. She has ridiculed you in public, slapped you around, and made every day of your life a living hell since you met her. You realize exactly where you’re at. As you start to realize the gravity of the situation at hand, a mix of rage and adrenaline engulf you. You try to yell



You try again.


You can’t speak. Your voice just can’t seem to muster the force to be heard. Or so you thought.

“No way!! It really worked! Peace and quiet! They really do know how to design a great toilet!” Jackie exclaimed.

“TOILET?!” You panicked to yourself. All of a sudden, the memories come flooding back to you! You look up as you see Jackie removing her skin tight black yoga pants, revealing a pair of teal panties that were in line to be removed next.

“She can’t!! Jackie PLEASE!!” You helplessly thought to yourself. As Jackie removes her panties and takes a seat inches above your face, you hear your greatest tormentors voice once again.

“ Ooooh wow!! That is so comfy! It feels like my ass is sitting on a cloud! So far I’m giving you 5 stars for comfort! Now let’s see how you operate!”

As Jackie enjoyed your seat, you felt yourself rise a few inches as soon as her butt touched the seat. While you rose towards her, you felt the muscles in your mouth and throat contract. You suddenly lost control of your body as you feel your mouth forcibly open as wide as it possibly could. Not only could you not control your mouth, but your throat began to widen to inhuman proportions, allowing anything to fall directly into you. You wouldn’t be able to breathe if not for the small air tubes in your nose. At this point, the only part of your body that you can control is your tongue. As you panicked, your anger and rage morphed into fear and shame. You felt yourself oddly shift back and forth.

“Oooh I can even move you around! I wonder what else I can do with you! I’ll have to read the manual later, but right now shitmouth I just gotta say, I hope you like tacos.” Jackie laughed.

Tears began to stream down the sides of your head as your wide open mouth and throat were neatly placed directly under Jackie’s butthole. You were completely helpless to stop what was about to happen as you began to feel her butthole puckering into your wide open mouth.


“Hmmmphh” You hear Jackie grunt

“AHAHAHAHAAAHAH” Jackie laughs as the fart echoes down your throat. You began sobbing at the horrid taste, as every inch of your mouth is peppered with her fart. You feel its hot air pass down you chest. You taste her fart with such detail, you almost taste rotten Mexican cheese. You feel Jackie reposition herself, unable to stop her from using you.

So how did you get here? Let’s rewind one month ago.

You were a bright young man, with a great future, before the women took over. You were studying for your MBA in Chicago, working for the biggest bank in the world! Life was absolutely great. That was, until the women took over.

In 2030, women greatly outnumbered men. They began to make up the large majority of college students. As more and more women came into positions of power, men became emasculated. Then, came the discovery. Compound T, they called it. A revolutionary drug that allowed women to reproduce asexually. While women touted this as the dawn of a new era, men revolted by abusing and assaulting any woman they saw. The president at the time, Donna Drumf, who was known for her authoritarianism, had every man arrested. Since women were already in positions of power, few men were in law enforcement. Leaving all officers entirely female. Anyone who disagreed, was immediately executed. All men were fired from their employers, replaced by smarter, superior women.

The government instituted a mandatory retraining of men. Women submitted yearly responses as to what they’d like to see done with men, and the brutal yet efficient government would train captive men to please the women. Over time, these tasks ranged from cooking and cleaning, to much.. much more humiliating functions. Eventually, requests to turn the men into servants, slaves and even items began to surface. Unfortunately for the men, these requests were immediately granted.

You were just 18 when you were taken. By 24, you were a certified master chef, masseuse and maid. Still, no woman had purchased you yet. You sat in your mancage, playing with the little green ball they gave you to look more purchasable.

One by one, you see women’s feet walk past you. You know the only way of escaping to freedom is if someone buys you! You planned to act obedient and wait for you moment to run from them! So every day, you try to look your cutest! Some women look at you like a puppy, some even ask a store rep about you, but few can afford your price tag. Your age, combined with your skills made you far too expensive. Just then, you hear a voice you thought you’d never hear again.

“OH YES THIS IS TOO GOOD! What’s up bitch?? Remember me??”

It was Jackie, your coworker and lifelong bully. You shudder at all the memories of her humiliating, berating and beating you. After you were captured, she took your job and easily climbed up the corporate latter. If you end up in her hands, you’d better be ready to fight. She sees the fear in your eyes. “Oh yeah. You remember me. Can I get some assistance with this one please?” Jackie shouts to the associate.

You see them walk away from you, and immediately begin planning your impending escape.

“So ma’m, would you like us to program him as a chef, butler or general purpose slave?” Asked the store attendant.

“Actually, I just had my toilet break yesterday and wondered if you guys still have a special going on?” Jackie replied

“Oh yes of course! My apologies mam, you must have had an older model toilet. Can I recommend the model X?”

“What’s so different? They just eat shit haha” Jackie laughed.

“Our model X toilets do so much more than dispose waste! Our patented ‘OpenWyde’ technology uses electromagnetic impulses that keep your toilets mouth and throat pipes clear of obstruction during your entire use! With air tubes or oxygen inserts, you have the freedom to use your toilet for hours nonstop!” The associate pitched.

“ no way!! That’s amazing! Girl, do you know how many times my old toilet backed up and I had to wait for it to unclog? I bet it makes tons of noise though!” Jackie replied

“Not at all ma’m, our toilets are 100% noise proof and vocally deactivated permanently. We also insert a sewage tube into the toilets rectal pipe that detects when you’ve filled your toilet and forces your sewage through the toilets plumbing system. But do you know what’s my favorite part?” The associate closes in on the sale.

“What??” Jackie asked excitedly.

“Our simpleclean feature! With the toilet under your full control, we decided to allow it to retain use of its tongue sponge. This, combined with magnified taste and smell receptors installed into the toilet trigger a rapid flickering of the sponge, effectively cleaning you as you use the toilet! It even makes a hyper realistic flushing sound when you get up!” The associate finishes her pitch.

“SOLD! I’ll take him!” Jackie points to you.

“Excellent! He will be an extra two weeks for train..”

“That’s okay, I’ll train him myself” Jackie winked at the employee.

“Haha very well madam. Let’s get the paperwork filled out and get your new toilet installed!”

Meanwhile, you tremble as two large women roll your cage to a room labeled “shipping and packaging.” As you’re injected with man tranquilizer.

You flash back to your current situation, trapped inside Jackie’s toilet, no.. you are Jackie’s toilet. Your mouth and throat remain inhumanely wide open, just two inches below a pulsing butthole, awaiting Jackie’s next bowel movement. You continue crying at the humiliating feeling of being unable to stop her from using you as her personal toilet.

Just then, you feel a warm liquid hit your tongue, effortlessly gliding down your throat like a golden waterfall. The hot, steaming liquid and bitter flavor activate the simpleclean technology, forcing your tongue to begin lapping up Jackie’s urine much like a dog drinking water. This helped Jackie make sure every drop ended up down your throat. Simultaneously, your tongue managed to clean her pussy after each lap, causing her to get wet and release another cheesy fart down your unwilling throat.

“Aaaaahhhhh. Ooohhh. Mmm.. yeah been holding this in all day. Reliefff.” Jackie says, farting into you again.

You were defeated. Trapped, enslaved, sobbing, and being used as a toilet by your worst enemy in your entire life. You wanted to kill yourself, but you can’t even move. All you can do is sit there and be used. As Jackie finished peeing, she parts her legs, watching her stream cyclone down into you.

“Ahh thanks for the relief, toilet! That’s your new name now, by the way. Anyway hope you enjoyed your new favorite beverage..” Jackie closed the gap between her legs and repositioned her butthole over your throat.

“Wait until you get a load of your new favorite meal.”

Your tongue begins to violently thrash around as you panicked and sobbed, hoping your protests generate some sort of sympathy from the most evil person you know.

“ ooh someone is excited! Gosh.. I love that simpleclean feature.. mmmm” Jackie moaned at the feeling of your tongue lapping at her puckering hole. As a matter of fact, the stimulation seemed to be counterproductive to your cause, much to Jackie’s pleasure.

“Ooh they said you’d be good for constipation too. Mmph” Jackie finished her statement with a small grunt and twitch of her face.

A small grunt is all it took, as you felt a loooong, thick, hot, steamy, sticky mass enter your throat. If the government didn’t remove your gag reflex, you would have puked.

The stench was overpowering. The thick, meaty log smelled like rotten cabbage, stale cheese, and hot spoiled cheese all in one. As it passed through its tour of your mouth, your tongue routinely crashed up against the mammoth turd, gently cleaning Jackie’s butthole while giving you a full flavored experience of being her toilet.


“Mmph. Ohh this is gonna be a big one. Welcome to day one!” Jackie mocked you as her turd was now about to enter your welcoming throat.

“Please just kill me. Please. I can’t. The taste. The stink. I can’t live like this.” You thought to yourself as you felt the log enter your open throat, still dangling from the rectum of your owner like a banana from a tree. Just then, you felt something odd in your thought. Maybe it was your gag reflex, roaring back to save you from chocking down Jackie’s day old Mexican dump! You were hopeful, until you heard:

“Huh! TurdAssist? Wonder what that does?” As Jackie presses your remote.

TurdAssist, you thought. Not only did they program your throat to act as her personal sewer pipe, they wanted it to play an active part in making sure her turds make it into you. Every part of you was tailored to be her perfect toilet.

Just then, the giant turd broke off from Jackies butthole, taking a one inch drop into your mouth as your own throat helps guide the turd into you. As a thank you, Jackie farts into your mouth again, signaling the emergence of her second turd.

“Ooooh your going to love this” Jackie says as she pushes out another gassy fart into you, the fart echoing through your body. Your tongue feels what seems to be a solid clump of poop, but turns out to hold something that would break you down even further.

Your tongue stimulates Jackie enough so that the turd head easily passes into you. The clump easily falls into your mouth, straight into your stomach. However, behind it was hiding a flood of hot, spicy, clumpy and creamy diarrhea.

“Uuuugggghhhhh. If this burns me I know it’s hurting you, toilet. Hope you like spicy food!” Jackie says as she relieves herself into you. Luckily, for her, your tongue was doing a magnificent job of breaking through the flood and dabbing her sensitive butthole, relieving her completely of the burn of her diarrhea.

“Best toilet ever.” Jackie proclaims. Soon, her diarreah is replaced with a series of medium sized, firm logs.

“Mmmm good thing they didn’t feed you there. Better make room for a little more.” Jackie says matter of factly. You feel your mouth fill with three more of her turds as each one is guzzled down easily while your tongue dutifully cleans her rosebud. You feel her butthole pulse, you smell the stench of her oncoming turd, you feel the warmth as she pushes out her digested corn, salsa, chili, burritos and tacos. You feel your tongue beat at the bottom of each turd, tasting each one thoroughly. You hear each grunt, sigh and insult from Jackie as she continues taking her dump. You taste each inter-turd fart she has to relieve herself of. Finally, you see the ends of each turd pinch off, feeling them pulled down your gullet into your stuffed belly which has begun to be evacuated by your anal pipe in case Jackie wasn’t quite done yet. As you looked up at her perfectly pristine butthole, you lay there in shame. Your mind permanently scarred. Traumatized, humiliated, used, defeated. You wonder why her asshole was still placed above your wide open mouth now that her business is done. Just then you hear.

“Heey girl! Omg you won’t even believe what I just did! Mhmm I got a new toilet and you won’t BELIEVE who was at the store for sale! That nerdy bitch I used to pick on back at the bank! Omg you bet I bought him!!! TMI, but I just massively broke him in, if you know what I mean.”

Your heart breaks as you hear both laughing at you, not even caring who is on the phone with your master.

“Yeah girl! My toilet is your toilet! It is THE BEST EVER. I’ll be pissed if you don’t use it! You need to try these new Model X toilets! Use it whenever you want! Hey I got to go, my show is almost on. Love you bitch!” Jackie ends the call

You laid there, enduring the entire conversation face to face with the butthole that just unloaded an entire evening of Mexican feast into your pathetic toilet body, mouth and throat wide open. You see one of Jackie’s buttcheeks lift off the seat, finally relieved it’s over. Unfortunately, nothing is free for you, as she lets loose one more fart down your throat, laughing again.

“I’ll never get used to that!” She says as she gets off of her toilet. As soon as she stands up, you regain control of you mouth. Your throat closes, and you begin your descent into the darkness, staring up at her big ass as you hear a loud, realistic flushing noise. She didn’t want you just to be her toilet, she wanted you to feel like her toilet. She turned around, staring directly into your eyes.

“Look at you. Right where you were always meant to be. This is going to be a great life for you. Free food, free drink. Free housing. A great ass view multiple times a day, sometimes even during the night. Aren’t you a lucky toilet? Glad I bought the deluxe pack. Guaranteed to stay working for 100+ years. Welcome home, toilet. See you soon.”

Jackie said with an evil grin, closing the lid to her toilet and sealing you in darkness once again, until she feels the need to use you once again.

She went to wash her hands, realizing she didn’t even have to dirty her hands! He really is the BEST toilet ever.. better than an old fashioned porcelain one! She turned around and admired the work. It really was a beautiful toilet. Elegantly designed, heated and padded seats, with a startling finish that complimented the layout of her master bathroom perfectly. She headed towards her couch, fully relieved.

“Ahhh.. I love my life.”

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish





I have always had a raging panty and fart fetish, recently divorced, my wife never indulged me in this fetish so other than online porn never experienced it in real life and I was at the point of trying anything , then I won 100k on the postcode lottery .

I put an add in a adult magazine, I was offered 1k for a day’s work, girls only , must be very fit with a good figure size 10 maximum  must send a photo before coming , Must have a curvy bum that fills panties fully . Must be very gassy naturally this one was the make-or-break question, will pay £1000 for a full day’s work modelling panties and other clothes and be able to fart at least 25 times in an 8-hour period. I went on line and ordered 100 pairs of sexy knickers, thongs Lycra miniskirts, tight fit jean, yoga pants, shorts so tight that the rim of the panties would show around the leg holes of the shorts . I got a call within 1 hours of the advert being seen, was an Asian girl of around 20 she Whats apped me a picture of herself in some yoga pants, she must off used a shoe horn to get into these yoga pants they were so tight you could see everything, arse crack, pussy crack and some tight knicker lines. I told her to come tomorrow morning at 8am, the day would consist of 6 hours from 830am. I messaged to ask if she was gassy, she said she was the gassiest person she knew and sometimes could fart 60 plus times in a day. I was so excited for the next day I hardly slept. Ciarra knocked on my door at 7:55 I opened the door and a very attractive young Indian Girl was standing there in the light beige yoga pants from the photo , the yoga pants looked tighter in real life , I invited her in and told her to go to the living room , her bum was heaven it filled the Yoga pants to the brim and I could see the faint panty lines . As she walked she groaned that she had been holding herself all morning and really needed to fart as it was hurting I said please release one that’s what I am paying you for , she warned me it would stink really foul , I said that’s my thing although only got a whiff of a hot girls fart in real life only once before in my lifetime, just watching her go down the hallway was making me hard , as her bum wiggles up the hallway she started releasing a really airy fart , she told me the tight knickers a yoga pants she had on made her farts silent , she kept pushing and it kept coming out ohh she said its making my panties really warm , the air filled with hot rotten egg smell . I had precum in my underwear and felt dizzy with the smell and where it was coming from. She finished farting and asked if I like the smell as she enjoyed the smell of her own farts especially when wearing sexy clothes, it made the fart smell sexier.