School Panty Poop Prank
When I was a sophomore in high school me and my friends were pretty crazy, we would always give each other dares and we would take them very seriously. One day my friend Leah came up with an insane dare. She said that one day in the following week she would ask me to poop in my panties at any given time in the day, immediately when she asked! I immediately said no, and said that I would never do that. She just replied that her and my other friend Abby would stop being my friends for good. I pleaded them to change it, but I finally had to agree to do it.On Wednesday they decided to strike. It was probably due to the fact that I was wearing my really short skirt on that day. We were on our way to lunch when they decided to tell me to do it. So I reluctantly did it. I started pushing slowly, and I felt really scared doing it right there, walking through the hallway with people everywhere. The poo slid right out of my butt hole and touched the seat of my panties. It was a solid log. The poo kept coming and curled up in my undies. I hoped that it wasn't too obvious looking like a large softball sized lump in the back of my Disney princess panties. I asked them if I could go and change out of them, but they immdeiately told me that I had to go to the lunchroom with them also. They chose the table with all of the hottest guys in our grade! Even worse, they made me sit right anext to my crush. Luckily Leah sat on the other side of me, and Abby sat across from me. I put my lunch bag in the table, and took out my sandwich, but Abby immediately grabbed it. Without thinking I lunged across the table to ****** it back. But Abby and Leah had other plans. Abby took a roll of duct tape and grabbed my hands. She quickly taped my hands to her side of the table, leaving me bent over the table with my dirty butt in the air!!! And if that wasn't bad enough, Leah lifted my skirt up above my waist exposing my filled panties to everybody, and shouted "eew look, Kelly pooped herself!" at this point the I was crying my eyes out, and everyone in the cafeteria was staring right at me. Then, Kelly yanked my undies up giving me a huge wedgie. This smeared the poo all over my bum and was totally utterly humiliating. I asked her to put them back down and she responded "sure". And with that, she tugged them down to my knees. It took the teachers a few more minutes to figure out what was going on, before they came over and cut my hands off of the table and escorted me to the school office. I switched schools the next week, and I haven't talked to my "friends" since
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