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www.xxtreamcam.com Posted by CFW on October 15, 1999 at 09:08 Ariel Poops Her Panties Jane looked on with concern as her seventeen year...
www.xxtreamcam.com By Sharon Despite my addiction to wetting and pooping my pants, I still hadn't had any real public accidents. The...
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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Fiction: George and Belinda, part one
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Golf Cart Accident
Posted by CFW on June 14, 1999 at 07:48
Even though it was a bright warm afternoon the golf course was virtually empty so Jenny had lots of travel distance in between. With each and every bump she thought her bladder would burst as her converted golf cart bounced over the fairways so kept a hand pressed into the crotch of her camouflage paterned shorts which seemed to help a bit. She had just replenished the stock and was heading to the sixth hole where a thirsty foursome had flaged down her beer cart.
The group of four young guys took a good deal of time chatting her up as she got their beer orders and collected her tips. After all, Jenny was quite a beautiful girl. Her body was perfect. She had her blond hair tied back in a pony tail, loose strands hanging either side of her pretty face. Her soft smooth skin was tanned golden brown from working outside. Her beautiful green eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses watched them sneaking peaks at her cleavage in a low cut light pink top with thin straps that failed to completely hide her almost white, pink bra.
Come on, hurry up or I'll piss my panties right here Jenny thought trying not to look too desperate as the guys finally stop flirting and went back to their game. She stepped onto the beer cart, a bit of pee escaped into her panties and she grabbed her crotch speeding away toward the fourth hole at the back of the course, every bump producing another little sqirt into her almost white, light pink panties.
Jenny stopped the cart quickly stepping off and spread her legs eighteen inches apart. Leaning way forward with both hands pressed tightly to either side of her mound in an effort to minimize the amount of wetness to her bum Jenny relaxed her pussy muscles. She knew that her camouflage paterned shorts with patches of black, green, brown and tan would, well would camouflage her wet crotch. She also knew, this being the third time she had pissed them this afternoon, that her panties and shorts would dry quickly in the hot sun and air as she drove around the golf course selling beer.
As soon as she released her hold, her crotch darkened with wetness. Then pee cascaded through her clothing like a waterfall, gathering together into a solid twisting stream that poured into the fairway between her feet clad in brown thin strapped platform sandals. Aaaaaaahhhh, she signed with relief closing her eyes behind her dark sunglasses. But the relief Jenny felt was temporary at best. If anything, emptying her bladder only seemed to increase the already pressing need for a bowel movement that she had been holding off.
Jenny got back on her beer cart and sped away. The group of six playing best-ball should be on the thirteenth hole and really thirsty by now. She served them and they took even more time than the four guys had done. All the while Jenny was fighting back a stong urge to shit. At one point the pressure was so forcefull that she felt her sphinkter muscle quivering as it opened around a hard turd that she just managed, with concentrated effort, to push back in. In fact it was more by virtue of the poop's size that it wasn't already in her panties than by her ability to control it.
It was about a half an hour later that while serving a nice couple on the fifteenth that the strongest surge of pressure hit Jenny. Her exhausted twitching orb started to open, and try as she may she could not close it to cut off or squeeze the monster sized stump of shit back in. Finishing her sale she sat on seat of the cart temporarily halting it's progress. She could feel it stuck in her anal opening, part way out and pressing against the fabric of her panties as she drove off to find a place to shit.
Just over a grade beside a thicket of trees at the far back of the golf course Jenny stepped off of her beer cart with a hand pressed against the evolving bulge in the seat of her shorts. She was already pooping her panties and there would be no stopping it now. However, this turd was rock hard and such a huge size that Jenny knew it's progress would be really slow. Bending over slightly with her legs a bit apart Jenny reached behind and under pressing it upwards so that it would ride up the crack of her ass inside of her pink panties.
Jenny had produced big turds before but never had her opening been stretched like this. It felt as if her poop must be two and a half inches or more in diameter. She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and pushed. AAAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! The log slid out another inch, she caught her breath. AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! She felt it moving inside her panties with her hand back there. AAAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! Jenny bore down again and it crackled further out of her opening and into her panties.
AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! She could feel it growing between her bum cheeeks now, it felt warm and dry and hard as a rock.
AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! The massive log moving upward in her panties was aprroaching seven inches in length and Jenny feared it comming out the waist band. AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! She strained again and poop kept on snaking out of her. AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! AAAARRRRNNNNGGGGHHHH! Finally the the massive shit was all the way out and nestled in her panties between her butt cheeks causing her shorts to stick out funny in the back.
The thick dark brown nine inch log lay all the way from the gusset between her legs to the top of the groove in her rounded ass cheeks in one solid hard packed piece. When Jenny sat down on the padded bench of her beer cart, the bottom end of the leathery shit felt as if she were sitting with a golf ball pressing against her bum hole. She replenished her stock and finished her shift, wetting herself one more time in late afternoon, then went to a local sports bar for supper and a drink with her friend Sara.
At ten Jenny said goodnight and went home, stipping down to her underwear to inspect the damage. Her shorts smelled of dry piss when she held them to her nose. The crotch of her pink panties had several yellow-brown stain lines in them from the many times she had wet herself that day. The lumpish turd stuck up the crack of her ass looked like a long curving cucumber stuffed inside her panties and was clearly visable as it bulged outwards, yet so dry that it didn't even stain them.
Working outside in the sun, and the wine she drank at the sports bar had made Jenny tired. She took off her bra putting on a loose tee shirt and got into bed. Her pussy was moist and hot. She slipped a hand into her panties and began to masterbate bringing herself to a climax as her fingers traced up and down the hardened slug of shit in the seat of her panties. She came hard, moaning with her face buried into the pillow, her mouth formed into an oh. Then Jenny rolled from her side onto her stomach spreading her legs and pissed a heavy stream into her mattress before falling asleep.
Monday, July 25, 2011
I made it back...and I have a poop story.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
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