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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Fart Tales: Luka Millfy (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) by Garrison15






Luka was out shopping, buying herself clothes and jewelry, when she spotted a necklace that caught her eye. The chain was made of pure gold and it had a yellow, heart shaped diamond no smaller than her thumb.

"OOOOH! It's so beautiful." Luka said to herself. She looked at the price tag and saw that it costs 15 million yen. "NANI?! Who could afford this?"

Luke then heard what sounded a picture being taken from below her. She immediately turned around and saw a man fast walking away from her.

"HEY!" Luka yells.

The man started running out of the store and Luka followed suit. She continued chasing him down until she finally caught up with in an alleyway and tackled him to the ground.

"Get off of me." the man demanded.

"Urusai baka." Luke replied before getting up and putting her foot on the man's chest. She picked up his phone off the ground and looked at his photo gallery where she saw dozens of pictures of women's upskirts with a picture of her's being the most recent one. "You disgusting pervert."

A thought came to Luka's mind and she devilishly smiled. "You like seeing up girls' skirts? Then have a very close look up mine." She straddled the man's chest reverse cowgirl style before lowering her hips until she was sitting right on his face. "Enjoy." She gyrated her hips tauntingly, rubbing her ass in his face.

The man tried pushing Luka off of him but she responded by punching him in the balls, causing him to wince and hold his crotch in pain. "I didn't say you could touch."

Luka's insides started making gurgling noises and she held her stomach in discomfort. "Ugh, why did I have to have that second bowl of Doc's natto? It tastes so good but it gives me the worst gas."


Luka let out a fart that sounded like a trumpet was being played. "Oh, that was so relieving."

The man started convulsing and flailing, he had never smelt something so horrific.

This gave Luka an idea for further punishment. "What's the matter? Can't stand the smell?"


Luka let out yet another trumpet sounding fart into the man's face. "I'm starting to enjoy this." She started bouncing up and down like an excited school girl.

The man, on the other, was in anguish. Not only was his face being smothered by a girl's ass, but she was ripping farts that smelt worse than what he thought possible.




Luka released 3 more farts, each one longer and smellier than the last. She excitedly rubbed her ass up and down across the man's face, she was having the time of her life. "Who knew passing gas could become so much fun?"

The man started crying into Luka's ass, he wanted this all to end.

Luka spent the next 30 minutes letting out fart after fart into the man's face, after which she was finally empty. "Oh, that all felt so good to let out." She stoop up off of him and reached into his pockets and pulled out his wallet.

The man would've tried to stop her, but spending half an hour with his face in her ass and smelling her farts made him too weak to do so. He could only watch in despair as she took out his credit card and tauntingly hold it out in front of him.

"Thanks for the diamond necklace." Luka said before she threw his wallet back at him and walked off.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Small World - Peaceful Protest by bn432


Decades after the world was struck by a mysterious virus that caused people to shrink to around three inches in height, society has largely moved on. A cure was developed within the year, but a few things kept the masses from reclaiming their original size. One, it was fairly expensive so only those with money to burn could afford it, and two, it was only effective on those of the female gender, so about 50% of the population was out of luck. The portion of the population that was either unable to afford the treatment or was unable to benefit from it were left to their tiny size, but they weren't left behind. Laws were enacted to ensure that they would be able to continue with their lives, hold jobs, commute, and do all the things those of larger stature were still able to do. That wasn't to say that their lives were easy. They still struggled daily with the simplest of tasks, and life was a constant battle to avoid being squished by someone who didn't look where they were sitting. Luckily, a side effect of the shrinking was increased durability. When a tiny person was stomped, sat on, or flattened in any other myriad of ways, their bodies behaved not unlike rubber, squishing and flattening, but otherwise retaining their overall shape, and life. It was thanks to this that tinies were able to re-integrate into society much more easily, since the risk of bodily harm was much lower.

Despite the efforts of legislators, tiny rights were still a hot button issue. Most businesses didn't want to hire someone that wasn't going to be able to perform at the same level as a regular sized person, let alone pay them the same wage. Regular sized people also didn't take kindly to their tiny coworkers seemingly getting a free ride to avoid work they couldn't physically do. This resulted in many tinies falling into poverty, unable to get jobs to support themselves. Communities of homeless tinies formed throughout cities in parks and alleys, under benches or dumpsters, and this groups of tinies began protesting their situation, and the lack of respect they were getting.

"Thanks Bill. I'm here on the corner of Fifth Street at the entrance to Roosevelt Park where shrunken individuals are gathering in large numbers for yet another Tiny Lives Matter protest. This is the fourth protest this month, but seems to be the largest gathering yet, and the crowd is still growing. If you're planning on travelling in this area, make sure to watch your step. This is Rebecca Davies, live from Channel 5, back to you."

Two girls walked past the reporter as she wrapped up, the camera operators signalling that they were no longer live. Kayleigh brushed her blonde hair out of her eyes as she glanced back at the news crew, then nudged her friend. "Hey April, you hear that? There's a Tiny Lives Matter protest near here!"

Friends since pre-school, the two college girls were rarely seen apart. Kayleigh, a bubbly blonde, had a hugely positive attitude and an ass to match. She always tried to do her best to help people, even if her clumsiness got in the way sometimes. April was seemingly her opposite. Her raven black hair perfectly conveyed her attitude towards the world, cynical and unenthusiastic. Kayleigh was one of the few who seemed to be able to put a smile on her face.

April rolled her eyes, hardly looking up from her phone. "And? They have one like every week."

"Well yeah, but don't you like, think they need support?" Kayleigh argued as turned and grabbed April's arm. "We could go help them protest!"

"That sounds boring though. I don't want to stand around with a bunch of shrunken losers all day."

"Come on, it could be fun! You could take some pictures for Instagram. Could be some good PR after that time you sat on poor Tyson..."

April shrugged off her friend's grip, then crossed her arms indignantly. "For the last time, that was an accident! He should've stayed in the tiny area of the caf!"

"Pleaaaasseeee..." Kayleigh begged, giving her friend her best puppy dog eyes, hoping to wear her down into accepting.

"Ugh, fine.. I guess I can try to take a few pictures. At least I'll get something out of it. Tyson was fine by the way! Nobody ever mentions that!"

"Yay! Let's go! I think that news lady said it was on Fifth!"

The entrance to Roosevelt Park was completely taken over by the protest. Tiny signs littered the ground, and crowds of diminutive protesters congregated in groups large enough to be noticed by people passing by. Not that anyone was really giving them their attention. Most pedestrians simply ignored the high pitched chants, going about their day as normal. The protesters weren't going to be discouraged though, they were going to have their voices heard one way or another.

Kayleigh and April arrived on the scene, the latter being reluctantly dragged, and stood off to the side, observing the protesters chanting and shouting.

"Okay. This is like the cutest protest I've ever seen." Kayleigh said, motioning to the crowds of diminutive people gathered in groups around the entrance to the park.

April shrugged, "Let's just get this over with."

"Oh! Oh! Take my picture in front of them!" Kayleigh exclaimed, bouncing her way over to the edge of the crowd.

Tiny people cowered and dove for cover as the massive blonde stomped towards them, but relaxed when she stopped nearby. April smirked at the fleeing protesters, taking out her phone and aiming it at Kayleigh who was flashing a peace sign and sticking her butt out over the crowd of people. Her short, white skirt gave those standing below her a clear view of her underside, along with a scant trace of a pair of underwear that had been consumed by her cheeks. Some of the men in the crowd couldn't help but stare at the big booty hanging over them, while others wisely decided to move further away.

As April was framing up the shot, a devious idea crept into her head. "Hey! Take a few steps back! Better light!"

Nodding in agreement, the blonde stepped backwards without looking, her sneaker clad feet bulldozing through those who chose to ogle her butt. Most were knocked aside, sent sprawling across the sidewalk, but a few unfortunate people were caught underneath her rubber soles as they came crashing down. Tiny shouts echoed out as Kayleigh posed again, too focused on looking hot to notice the plight of the protesters beneath her.

"Perfect!" April shouted, suppressing a snicker of delight at her friend's obliviousness. "Say cheese!"

The camera clicked and Kayleigh relaxed her pose, finally taking notice of the cries coming from her feet. She looked down and gasped, the arms and legs of her unfortunate victims were the only parts of them visible after being crushed underneath her sneakers.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, hurriedly stepping off of the flattened people. Other protesters rushed in to help, checking for vital signs and helping the flattened casualties stand and limp away. "Sorry!" Kayleigh said again, blushing in embarrassment as she walked back over to April.

"Gosh sorry Kay! I didn't see them there either!" April said, her suppressed giggling betraying her intentions.

"Not funny April. Those poor little cuties could've been hurt!"

"They're fine! Aren't they supposed to be like super resilient?"

"Well yeah... But that still wasn't cool." Kayleigh sighed. "Now they probably think I'm some tiny hater.."

As much as she was having fun, April still didn't like seeing her friend sad. "Hey, I'm sure they don't. Tell you what, why don't you go see if you can help with anything? Try and find one of the head honchos around here."

Kayleigh perked up a bit, "Yeah! Maybe I will!"

"Great. I'm going to try and get a few more shots for my instagram. You have fun." April replied, happy seeing her friend's spirits back as she bounced off towards the crowds again, scattering groups of tinies as she went. April sighed and shook her head as she watched her friend go, then turned her attention back to her phone.


"Excuse me! Big girl coming through!"

Tiny protesters ran for cover as Kayleigh stepped through the crowds, doing her best to avoid crushing more people underneath her shoes. Unfortunately for them the kind-hearted blonde had never been the most graceful person. Those who weren't quick enough to dodge her feet wound up being flattened to the pavement, and a few unlucky ones were wedged between the treads of her sneakers and carried with her as she made her way through the crowd, crushed repeatedly whenever she took a step.

"Sorry! So Sorry!" She whispered apologetically as she stepped on a family of four who had been too busy taking a picture to notice her coming. "I should be more careful, you guys are hard to see!"

Thinking it would be best if she switched up her tactics, Kayleigh decided to try tip-toeing as a means of at least reducing the amount of people she squished each step. So up on her toes she went, the people jammed into the soles of her shoes crying out for help as they were no longer smashed into the pavement. The aspiring ballerina took her first step, stretching her leg out towards a relatively uncrowded spot. People below were treated to a stunning view up her skirt as she lunged over them, her delicates leaving little to the imagination. Her toes touched down without adding to her squish count, and she even managed to bring her other leg over without toppling.

"Wuh.. Whoa.." Kayleigh murmured as she began teetering, waving her arms to try and keep her balance. She looked down, noticing with dread that the crowds that had parted to avoid her toes had congregated around her again, leaving her no room to put her foot down and regain control. "Oh no.."

A shadow passed over the crowd. "Look out!!" Someone called. "She's gunna fall!" Shouted another.

Mass panic broke out among the tiny citizens as they began pushing and shoving to escape the tipping titan. Kayleigh gritted her teeth and flailed, but there was no use fighting with gravity at this point. She stuck her ass out, instinctively aiming to let the most cushioned part of her body take the brunt of the impact. She went down like a redwood falling in the forest, her massive posterior slamming into the ground with such force that people nearby were sent flying from the gust of wind rushing out from underneath her booty. Anyone caught beneath her ass was instantly turned into paper, flattened into the pavement by the sheer weight of the blonde's gargantuan glutes.

"Oww.." Kayleigh groaned, stunned by the shock of falling down. Her ass hurt, her tailbone hurt, and she was thoroughly embarrassed.

People began to shout as they desperately tried to extract their compressed compatriots from beneath her. "Miss! Please get up Miss! You're crushing them!" Arms and legs sticking out from the edge of her fat cheeks twitched in pain as the giant shifted on top of them, trying to see what all the commotion was.

"Oh shit! Sorrysorrysorry!" Kayleigh stammered as she quickly tried to get up. Her ass made it a few inches off the ground, revealing the smushed bodies of her unlucky victims, splattered across the ground and stuck to the shiny skin of her ass. Friends and family members of the crushed moved in to help, even with the threat still looming overhead. This proved to be a mistake. The clumsy girl tried to stand, using her arms to push herself upright without shifting her feet too much, if only she had balance.

"Nononono!" Kayleigh shouted as her arms failed to give her the lift she needed. Her ass flopped back down, adding to its score by pounding the rescuers and victims alike. As she tried again to rise people wisely decided to hang back, despite the moans and cries of their friends calling out from beneath the giant girl's wobbling behind. Thankfully she was able to get to her feet this time allowing rescuers to move in and help the crushed people recover.

Kayleigh blushed as she looked down at the carnage her booty had wrought. She could feel the people stuck to her ass twitching as they desperately tried to peel themselves free, so she hurriedly brushed them off, her embarrassment evident on her face as she tried to end this situation as quickly as possible. Papery bodies fluttered down to the ground as her fingers swept them off her rear, landing softly below where they were tended to. Unfortunately in her rush to leave, Kayleigh missed a couple victims that had been crushed into the fabric of her underwear. Their cries for help were muffled by the skirt hanging over them as Kayleigh stepped over the crowd to the side of the path, trying not to meet the gaze of any of the now angry protesters glaring at her from below. She just wanted to hide herself, ironically wishing that she was tiny right now as she shuffled away, taking her new passengers with her.


While her friend was busy ingratiating herself with the locals, April was trying to get some shots that would improve her social image. After some time skirting the edges of the crowd trying to get a good angle, she determined that nothing was quite good enough. If she was going to get a picture that would convince her peers she’d need to be in the thick of it, not standing on the side lines.

Without hesitating she strode into the crowd, knocking protesters aside with reckless abandon as she scrolled on her phone and looked for inspiration for her shot. People not quick enough to get out of her way were promptly flattened by her uncaring sandals, smushed like grapes being turned into wine.

April paused as she reached the center of a sizable gathering of tinies, looking around briefly at the sound of panicked screams before shrugging. “This seems like a good spot. Lots of tinies for the background.. I can get those signs over there in frame..” She murmured to herself as she held her phone over her head while spinning to test out different angles. People at her feet were sent flying as the rubber soles of the uncaring girl’s sandals slapped into them. Splorts and squishes spurted out from underneath her feet as she settled into position.

“Perfect!” April grinned as she snapped her picture, a cute portrait of her flashing a peace sign with the protest in the background. She even managed to get a little cleavage in frame, which was always a sure fire way to get some likes.

After a quick bit of post processing she posted her pic, satisfied with how it portrayed her. Meanwhile the protesters were rushing to get away from her dangerous feet, the scent wafting off of them keeping them away just as much as the threat of squashing. Those who had been flattened called out for help, but were left in their squished state as the threat of adding to the casualty count kept most of the would-be rescuers away. April absentmindedly rocked back and forth as she monitored how her post was doing, crushing and re-crushing any who happened to be trapped under the sole of her sandals.

“That’s a good start, but I should really get a few more..” She mused, watching the like counter begin to steadily rise. “Maybe if I get some over there by the main stage...”



Kayleigh put a hand on her belly as it added it’s own protesting shouts to the choir of tiny voices. She had finally managed to escape her shame after flattening half the protest under her butt, and now she was getting tired, tired and hungry. Luckily the park was littered with vendors selling snacks and beverages. She spotted a hotdog cart nearby and headed towards it, carefully looking down to avoid embarrassing herself further.

“Thanks mister!” She said over her shoulder as she walked away from the vendor, her prize clutched in two hands. The hot dog glistened invitingly, prompting her stomach to grumble again, encouraging her along as she tried to find a bench to sit and eat at. She spotted one and headed towards it, eager to chow down.

“Alright! This bench will be a great spot to set up or new stage!” One of the protesters shouted gleefully. The group he had brought with him was already swarming the center of the flat concrete bench, setting up signs and practicing chants. They had broken off from the main group to try and expand the protest into the park, hoping that they could garner more attention if they spread out. While they worked, a shadow loomed over them, growing in size as some stopped to find the source. Hushed whispers grew into panicked cries as the shadow darkened and expanded until it covered the entire group of people.

“Ahhh.. God it feels good to sit down..” Kayleigh sighed as she plopped down onto the bench, unknowingly turning an entire crowd of tinies into paste under her behind.

The few that managed to escape her titanic rear end as it crashed down were now desperately banging their fists against her thick thighs in an attempt to get her attention. Unfortunately the hungry girl was oblivious to their plight, her focus taken up by the delicious dog dripping in condiments. Kayleigh chomped down on the hotdog, consuming a third of the bun in one bite. Splashes of mustard dripped out of the opposite side, splattering onto the pavement below and coating some of the tinies who hadn’t made it onto the bench yet in the yellow goop. Her spirits perked up by the tasty treat, Kayleigh happy swayed back and forth as she scarfed it down. Her cheeks slowly lifted as she tilted to one side, revealing the mass of smushed protesters to the light of day once more. Their pained screams were quickly muffled as she tilted back however, her plush butt cheek steamrolling over them once more.

This process continued as Kayleigh finished her dog, licking her fingers to get the last bit of ketchup off of them. "Mmm! Delicious! That really hit the spot!" She exclaimed, finally taking the time to look around. It felt like something was tickling her thigh, so she glanced down at the bench and spotted a tiny woman banging on her leg. "Huh? What's the matter with her?"

Reaching down and plucking the woman up with her sticky fingers, Kayleigh brought her up within hearing distance. "You're sitting on them! Get off your fat ass!!" The woman shouted, gesturing downwards.

Kayleigh gasped, dropping the woman in shock. She tumbled downwards, bounced off her thigh, then fell down to the ground. "Sitting on them?" Kayleigh stammered, the shame from her previous misadventure coming back to her as her cheeks began to turn red.

Slowly she lifted her left buttcheek, hoping that the woman was wrong and that she hadn't embarrassed herself again. She felt her stomach drop as she saw the twitching limbs and mass of people crushed to the bench in the shadow of her crotch.

"Ohhhh shit!" She exclaimed, quickly standing and turning around to inspect the damage her ass had done. Most of the people remained stuck to the bench, however a good chunk of them were still plastered to her wobbling cheeks as she bent over to help her victims. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry!"

She started helping some of them peel off of the bench, hoping to save some of her dignity by assisting them in freeing themselves. After peeling one particularly flattened man off she had an idea. She could help them reflate if she gave them CPR! Her desire to help prompted her to act quickly, so she laid the man down on her palm and started blowing into his mouth, which looked more like blowing onto his entire torso. Her lips did the job though, forming a seal around the man that resulted in her breath being forced into his body. The man quickly inflated, his chest ballooning out as his limbs popped up. After one breath the man looked more like a marble than a person. Kayleigh grinned sheepishly as she placed him back down on the bench, where he began deflating like a whoopee cushion.

Some of the compressed people had regained enough control of their limbs to stand and begin shouting at the apologetic giantess. Kayleigh stammered out more apologies, but it was clear that the crowd was against her.

"Tiny Hater!" Someone shouted. "Get out of here fat ass!" Shouted another. More and more people began shouting insults at her, and tears began to well in her eyes as the embarrassment washed over her. She decided to take her leave before they grew any more angry with her, so she stood up and jogged away, leaving a trail of tinies fluttering off her ass like autumn leaves.


April was busy taking another picture, crouching over a crowd with her ass sticking out, when she spotted her clearly upset friend exiting the park. Wondering what had happened and wanting to offer support, she rushed over and greeted her.

"Kay! What's the matter? What happened?"

"Oh my god April! I'm a monster! My stupid clumsy ass kept squishing them!" She blubbered through wet tears.

"Is that all? You know how hard they are to see, remember when I sat on Tyson?" April replied, trying to console her.

"Yeah but like.. I crushed so many of them... And now they're mad at me... and they called me 'Tiny Hater!''

"That's just because they don't know the real you! You just need to keep coming to these protests and showing them how much you care..."

Kayleigh sniffed, her friend's rational thoughts calming her down. "You think so?"

"Of course! Hey, look at this. This'll cheer you up!" April said, reaching into her back pocket. She brought her closed fist up near Kayleigh and opened it, revealing a tiny man, blinking in the sudden bright light. "I saw this little guy and thought he was pretty hot, so I chatted him up and he's going to come home with me."

"H-hey! Miss you have to help-" The tiny man stammered before being cut off by April's fingers closing over him again.

"Heh.. He's just shy." April said, smirking as she slipped him back into her pocket.

"Aww cute! I'm glad you at least got something good out of this." Kayleigh beamed, oblivious to the man's cry for help. "Hey can we head home? I think I've had enough activism for today."

"Sure thing. Want to stop for a slice of pizza on the way back?"

"Aren't you lactose intolerant?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish part 5






I gave her some size 6 yoga shorts that she had a struggle pulling over the knickers farting every few seconds with the effort of pulling the tight material over her hot arse. Ohh gosh these are tight its making me even hornier, the tight knickers and shorts squeezing my pussy and bum feels horny and its helping to hold my poop in my arse, she pushed and hot farted through the knickers and shorts. Gosh that feels good that’s super-heated my bum and pussy. She said are my knicker lines showing and giggled as she bent forward and told me to put my nose up her arse as a fart was coming. I put my nose to her tightly covered perfect backside and immediately could smell wet pussy and the knickers underneath then the smell of a hot poo smelling fart wooshed through them and I nearly cum in my pants. She farted 12 times through the shorts and knickers then groaned that the tip of a turd was poking out into the Knickers. Ohhh she moaned I really need to poo again, these knickers and shorts are so tight it feels delicious with the end of the turd just poking out into them and farting around the turd, but the pressure is building and the knickers resistance will not be enough very soon. I asked if I could take her shorts and knickers of , she said please it will allow me to concentrate and hold the poo in , I started with the tight shorts had one more gaze at the VPL through them , I asked if I could feel her knickers through the shorts as I had a raging panty line fetish , she said please do but hurry I cant hold on much longer . I placed my hand on her arse her bum was all warm and I could feel the tight little knickers through the tights shorts, they were sweaty and warm and felt very sexy squeezing her tight arse, she farted 3 times into my hand.

She said could it take her shorts and knickers off she was on the edge now and was about to fill the knickers with poo , I grabbed the waste band of the shorts and pulled them down her sexy arse revealing the super tight knickers underneath and the tip of a turd showing through the flesh coloured material .



Friday, September 13, 2024

Won a hundred thousand on local postcode lottery spent all of it on my fetish part 4





I said how are you holding them to fart, she said that when she held her poop so that she could fart more, her bowels would usually fill up with poop with gas in between and but she said she had so much poo up her arse she needed to push sone out in between farting this time. I said that it was heaven never expected poo, knickers and farts. She asked me about the advert, it mentioned trying on different outfits and tight panties , she said she was feeling extra horny now , she lifted her leg and pushed out a hot airy fart then said could she try stinking up some of the clothes that I had . I asked her what size she was , she told me she was a size 8 and that she wanted to try on size 6 knickers if I had them as nothing was more sexy than farting in tight knickers . Ok I said then she took the knickers she came off , but them up her arse crack and done a hot fart all over them then said this is a gift for you , I took them off her and looked inside , the gusset was thick with pussy cream and there was a big brown skid mark up the arse of them I sniffed them and they smelt of dirty knickers , pussy , the recent fart and poop .

 I went to get the clothes whilst Ciarra sat on the closed lid and used the hard surface to stop herself farting and pooping until I got back, I came. I came back with 6 pairs of size 6 knickers a mini skirt, tight yoga shorts and some small stretch jean shorts. Ciarra was squirming on the toilet let hot popping farts out on the hard surface, she said that she needed to poo some more as I won’t get anything over my bum without filling them with poop. She got up and quickly lifted the lid and a turd fired out with a woosh of hot fart gas, another one came out quickly after then she sighed and said she think she can hold it now. I asked if she had finished pooping , she said ohh gosh no I am still full to the brim with shit , she said watch ill prove it she pushed slowly and another long thin turd came out of her tight arse hole , she said I can just keep pushing them out but want to make it last for you , she said the pressure for now has eased what do you want me to stink up for you . She said look at my pussy its dripping with cream I am very aroused she announced. I gave her some flesh-coloured high cut size 6 knickers to put on I was dripping pre cum also, she pulled the knickers up her thighs , these knickers would be tight on a size 6 girl so she had some trouble getting them over the swell of her bum and released a fair bit of gas with the effort the bathroom reeked of poo . She finally got them over her round bum, they fit like a glove and her pussy juice had made the gusset sopping wet. She pushed another fart out through the tight knicker material and sighed that it felt sexy farting in too tight knickers.